sasview - SasView Documentation

SasView is software for the analysis of Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) data.

It fits analytic functions describing different types of material microstructure to experimental data in order to determine the shape, size and degree of ordering.

SasView also includes tools for calculating scattering length densities, slit sizes, resolution, fringe thicknesses/d-spacings, the (Porod) invariant ('total scattering'), and distance distribution functions.


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The menu bar at the top of the SasView window gives you access to additional features of the program:

The File option allows you load data into SasView for analysis, or to save the work you have been doing.

Data can be loaded one file at a time, or by selecting multiple files, or by loading an entire folder of files (in which case SasView will attempt to make an intelligent guess as to what to load based on the file formats it recognises in the folder!).

A SasView session can also be saved and reloaded as an ‘Analysis’ (an individual model fit or invariant calculation, etc), or as a ‘Project’ (everything you have done since starting your SasView session).

The Edit option allows you to:

  • undo/redo your recent changes;
  • copy and paste parameters between SasView analysis windows;
  • copy parameters from a SasView analysis window to the Clipboard as either tab-delimited text (compatible with Microsoft Excel) or LaTex-wrapped text;
  • generate a summary ‘Report’ of the most recent analysis performed;
  • reset parameter values in the P(r) Inversion analysis page.

The View option allows you to:

  • show the Batch Fitting Results Panel if it has been closed;
  • show/hide the Data Explorer Panel;
  • show/hide the Toolbar of icons below the Menu Bar;
  • select the default location that SasView looks in for data to analyse (the SasView installation directory, the initial default, or a custom folder). NB: any change only takes effect when SasView is restarted;
  • change the default assignment of categories (Shapes, Shape-independent, Structure Factor) for fitting model functions.

The Tools option provides access to a comprehensive range of tools and utilities. See tools for more information.

The Window option allows you to select which SasView windows are visible.

The Analysis option provides access to the key functionality of SasView:

  • Model Fitting;
  • P(r) Inversion;
  • Invariant Analysis;
  • Correlation Function Analysis (SasView 4.1 and later)

See analysis for more information.

The Fitting option allows you to:

  • create a new FitPage;
  • change optimiser (under Fit Options);
  • view fit parameter correlations, distributions, and convergence traces (under Fit Results);
  • create/edit a Plugin Model.

Additional functionality is available under this menu option during particular types of model fitting, including:

  • setting up a Constrained or Simultaneous Fit;
  • combining a Batch Fit (an obscure capability);
  • setting up Chain Fitting.

The Help option provides access to:

  • this help documentation;
  • a tutorial on using SasView (in pdf format);
  • information on how to acknowledge SasView in publications;
  • information about the version of SasView you are using;
  • the marketplace;
  • a check to see if there is a more recent version of SasView.


This help document was last changed by Steve King, 10Oct2016


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Getting Started with Sasview

Old Tutorial


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The SasView Project

2017, The SasView Project

October 30, 2017 4.1