S51DUDE:(1) User Commands S51DUDE:(1)

s51dude - In-System Programmer for 8051 MCUs using usbtiny

s51dude [options] -p <target> <action>

This program supports a number of Atmel 8051 MUCs.
Supported part list:

Upload <in-file> to the target device.
Download the contents of the MUCs flash memory and write it to <out-file> in Intel HEX format.
Erases the flash memory of the target.

This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long options starting with two dashes (`-'). The options are included below.

Disable verify.
Test the action but don't do nothing.
Enable verbose output.
Enable debug output.
This help.

s51dude was written by Lucas Chiesa <lucas.chiesa@gmail.com>, Joaquin de Andres <xcancerberox@gmail.com> and Gabriel Gavinowich <ggavinowich@gmail.com>.

August 2008 s51dude