rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles - Generate PDF wiggle plots from transcript or gene ids
rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles [options] sample_name input_list output_plot_file
This program generates transcript wiggle plots and outputs them in a pdf file. This program can accept either a list of transcript ids or gene ids (if transcript to gene mapping information is provided) and has two modes of showing wiggle plots. If '--show-unique' is not specified, the wiggle plot for each transcript is a histogram where each position has the expected read depth at this position as its height. If '--show-unique' is specified, for each transcript a stacked bar plot is generated. For each position, the read depth of unique reads, which have only one alignment, is showed in black. The read depth of multi-reads, which align to more than one places, is showed in red on top of the read depth of unique reads.This program will use some files RSEM generated previouslly. So please do not delete/move any file 'rsem-calculate-expression' generated. If allele-specific expression is calculated, the basic unit for plotting is an allele-specific transcript and plots can be grouped by either transcript ids (--transcript-list) or gene ids (--gene-list).
Suppose sample_name and output_plot_file are set to 'mmliver_single_quals' and 'output.pdf' respectively. input_list is set to 'transcript_ids.txt' if transcript ids are provided, and is set to 'gene_ids.txt' if gene ids are provided.
1) Transcript ids are provided and we just want normal wiggle plots:
rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles mmliver_single_quals transcript_ids.txt output.pdf
2) Gene ids are provided and we want to show stacked bar plots:
rsem-plot-transcript-wiggles --gene-list --show-unique mmliver_single_quals gene_ids.txt output.pdf
2024-04-14 | perl v5.38.2 |