RSASS-CLI(1) User Commands RSASS-CLI(1)

rsass-cli - compiles CSS from SCSS files

rsass [OPTIONS] <INPUT>...

Commandline interface for rsass, compiles scss to css.

Sass file(s) to translate

-v, --version

Print version informaion

--precision <PRECISION>

How many digits of precision to use when outputting decimal numbers
[default: 5]

-t, --style <STYLE>

How to format output
[default: expanded]
Possible values: - expanded: The expanded format, nice readable css - compressed: The compressed format, saves download size

-I, --load-path <LOAD_PATH>

Where to search for included resources

-h, --help

Print help (see a summary with '-h')

For information about rsass and its current state of development, please refer to .

The sass / scss language itself is documented at .

February 2024 rsass-cli 0.28.8