RNR-PRUNE(1) User Commands RNR-PRUNE(1)

rnr-prune - prunes a list of taxa from a bootstrap tree or a single tree with branch lengths

This is RnR-prune version 1.0 released by Andre J. Aberer in 2011-10-25.

This program prunes a list of taxa from a bootstrap tree or a single tree with branch lengths (such as a best-known ML/MP-tree).

SYNTAX: rnr-prune [-i <bootTrees> | -t <treeFile>] -x <excludeFile> -n <runId> [-w <workingDir>] [-h]


-x <excludeFile>

A list of taxa (one taxon per line) to prune from either the bootstrap trees or the single best-known tree.

-i <bootTrees>

A collection of bootstrap trees.

-t <treeFile>

A single tree with branch lengths. Use either this flag or the -i flag.

-n <runId>

An identifier for this run.

-w <workDir>

A working directory where output files are created.


This help file.

This manpage was written by Nilesh Patra for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

October 2021 rnr-prune 1.0.1