rkward - A KDE frontend to R
rkward [--evaluate Rcode]
[--debug-level level] [--debug-flags flags]
[--debug-output where] [--backend-debugger
debugger_command] [--r-executable path_to_executable]
[--reuse] [--autoreuse] [--nowarn-external]
[KDE Generic Options] [Qt Generic Options]
RKWard is the a KDE-based GUI and IDE for the R scripting language
for statistical computing.
For more information, please refer to the RKWard
website[1], and the documentation provided inside RKWard.
--evaluate Rcode
The given R code is evaluated after RKWard has started,
and after any specified workspace is loaded. Mostly useful for automated
--debug-level level
Verbosity of debug output. 0-5, where 0 is no output, 5
is all output including function trace information. Default is 2.
--debug-output where
Where to send debug output. Default is to store it in a
file in the temporary directory. Specifying "terminal" will write
debug output to stderr, instead (useful for debugging startup problems). Note
that debug output from the backend process is always stored in a file.
--debug-flags flags
Configure which sections of code to debug. Flags are
given as a binary number. Refer to the source files for documentation, as this
really is an internal option.
--backend-debugger command
Run the RKWard backend through the specified debugger
command. To add command line options to the debugger command, enclose them in
single quotes ('') together with the command. NOTE: Debugger arguments
will be split by spaces. If this is not appropriate, you will have to write
your own wrapper script for invoking the debugger. Also, make sure to redirect
all debugger output and/or input as appropriate. See the examples.
--r-executable command
In the case of several R installations, specify the
installation to use, e.g. /usr/bin/R. You can also use the string
"auto", in which case RKWard will try to find R at one of the
known standard installation paths. NOTE that while RKWard will
often work with newer versions of R, it will sometimes need to
be re-compiled for that version, or it may be incompatible altogether.
If an instance of RKWard is already running, bring that
to the front, and open files_to_open. Note that all other command line
options will be ignored in case an instance is reused.
Behaves like --reuse, if any file arguments are
also given, starts a new instance, otherwise. Intended for use in the .desktop
Usually, when invoking RKWard plugins from the command
line (i.e. when files_to_open contains URLs of the form
rkward://runplugin/...), RKWard will show a warning that such URLs
could be used to trigger malicious actions on your system. This warning
applies specifically to links found on untrusted websites, or other untrusted
external sources. If you want to script RKWard locally, you can avoid this
warning by adding --nowarn-external to the command line.
You can specify any number of file names or URLs for
RKWard to open. Usually this will be either workspace files, workplace files,
R script files, or rkward:// URLs (e.g. for starting with a plugin dialog).
Specifying more than one workspace file will lead to the workspaces being
merged together, and is not recommended.
# Start with the t-test dialog
rkward --nowarn-external rkward://runplugin/rkward::t_test/
# Open two script files in a running instance of RKWard (or in a fresh instance, if RKWard is not running)
rkward --reuse file_a.R file_b.R
# Run the rkward backend through valgrind
rkward --backend-debugger 'valgrind --log-file=valgrind.log'
RKWard was written by Thomas Friedrichsmeier and the RKWard team.
See the RKWard website[1].
Thomas Friedrichsmeier <rkward-devel@kde.org>
RKWard man page.
- 1.
- the RKWard website