Ripit - Perl script to create flac, ogg, mp3, m4a (aac), als
(mp4), mpc, wv or other files from an audio CD.
This Perl script makes it a lot easier to extract and compress
sound files from an audio CD or a local directory with wav/flac files.
Although Ripit ensures exact copy of the digital data with different
verification possibilities, it aims to enhance the audio content for a more
userfriendly experience. Tracks can be merged or partially ripped, hidden
tracks (aka pregap tracks or HTOA) and ghost songs are detected and can be
split, like all other tracks, into chunks of sound where silence has been
trimmed away. Data tracks can be omitted to prevent ripper failure or waste
of time on such tracks.
Ripit supports Flac, Lame, Oggenc, Faac, mp4als, Musepack, Wavpack
and ffmpeg. Artist and song titles are retrieved either with the
perl module from or using from Several encoder formats and qualities or compression levels
can be used in the same run (even the same encoder) and encoded into
different directories. Distributed encoding and launch of more than one
encoder process in the same time is possible.
Retrieval and different modifications of metadata is possible to
ensure highly customized tagging, e.g. adding coverart, detection of Various
Artists style at different levels of strictness or album gain, freedom to
add any kind of personal tags and change of encoding format for tags used in
mp3. External commands can be launched before and after ripping / encoding
is done (providing access to all internal variables containing metadata),
e.g. to ensure presence of coverart if not retrieved from or
Additional processes take care of calculation of md5sums,
generation of playlist files, creation of toc, cue or inf files e.g.
enableing to burn the WAV files with text and no gaps in DAO mode. It is
possible to submit and edit CDDB entries at or submission of
MusicBrainz data (ISRCs only) provided a login to access the MB site and of
course to save this metadata locally for later use.
- [track_selection]
- Tracks to rip from. If not specified, all tracks will be ripped. Specify a
single track by using a single number, or a selection of tracks using
numbers separated by commas or hyphens, e. g. 2,6,10, or 3,5,7-9. Using a
number followed by a comma or hyphen will rip from that track to the end
of the CD i. e. 3,5- rips track 3 and from track 5 to the last one.
- To rip only audio tracks and to skip all data tracks (trailing or even in
between) the tweeked argument 1-a might be useful. In this case Ripit will
try to detect the number of audio tracks using cdparanoia toc query.
- Default: not set.
- --merge ordered list
of comma separated intervals.
- Place a hyphen (-) or a plus (+) between first and last track number to be
merged. Omitting the last number will merge all subsequent tracks.
Separate several intervals with commas. Do not use this option to merge
the whole disc into one track, use option --cdcue or --book instead.
Default: not set.
- -I, --span
- Define an interval to be ripped when using cdda2wav or cdparanoia. The
hyphen is mandatory. The format of start and end-time is according to
cdparanoia hh:mm:ss.ff in hours/minutes/seconds/frames, but precision is
set to seconds, i. e. frames will be ignored. Zero fields need not be
specified and the value of seconds may be larger than 60 if no minutes and
hours are stated. When using cdda2wav this option translates the values to
the -o and -d options of cdda2wav. When using option merge, end time is
related to the last track in the selection. Default: not set.
- -o, --outputdir
- Full path of directory where the sound should go. If not set, $HOME
will be used. Default: not set.
- -d, --device
- Path of the device containing the audio CD, default:
- --scsidevice
- Device name for special devices if the non ripping commands (except eject
commands) shall be executed on a different device node. This might be
useful for some old SCSI devices. If not set the cddevice of option
--device will be used. Default: not set.
- -r, --ripper
- CD ripper to use, 0 - dagrab, 1 - cdparanoia, 2 -
cdda2wav, 3 - rip (Morituri) (breaking parallelism, experimental),
4 - cdd (support not ensured). When data tracks are encountered
because special track selection 1-a has not been used, cdparanoia and
dagrab are supposed to immediately fail and therefore allow Ripit to
create an error.log so that the encoder process can terminate if problems
were encountered. This might not be the case depending the type of
"copyprotection" is used and on the other hand it could be that
cdd2wav may fail on such data tracks and enables Ripit to continue to rip
and encode without endless looping. Use the appropriate ripper according
to your needs and switch the ripper if needed or use the special track
selection to omit data tracks.
- Note when using rip (Morituri) alle directories must be defined with
option --dirtemplate, including a separate wav directory which will be
created by rip (Morituri). Further inconveniences might be due to the
programs limitations and its recent development activity with behaviour
changing almost dayly, breaking every wrappers capabilities.
- Default: 1 - cdparanoia.
- --ripopt
- User definable options for specific ripper. Quote them if
necessary. Note that changing the ripper implies to update this option.
Default: not set.
- --offset
- User definable sample offset for the CD ripper. This will trigger option
-O when using cdparanoia and option -o when using rip (Morituri). Icedax
(cdda2wav) seems not to provide a sample offset. Default: not set.
- -Q, --accuracy
- Check ripped files at AccurateRip using Morituri (rip) which must be
installed. One might need to specify a sample offset (see option --offset)
to achieve accuracy. Default: off.
- -Y, --verify
- When using cdparanoia rip track number times until md5sum for 2
rips match, maximum tries is the number given as argument, default: 1,
i.e. no checks will be done.
- --nicerip
- Set niceness of ripping process, default: 0.
- -Z,
--disable-paranoia [number]
- When using dagrab, the number of retries will be set to 3, with cdparanoia
this option is equal to the -Z option of cdparanoia. The
number can be set to 0 (paranoia on), to 1 (paranoia
off) or to 2 to switch paranoia off if a track fails or gets a
timeout. Ripit will retry that failed track without paranoia or give up.
Ripping will then continue with paranoia on. Default: 0 ‐ off, i.
e. use paranoia mode.
- --ghost
- Analyze each wav for gaps and split it into chunks if gaps are detected
and/or try to trim lead-in/out. This may override option merge. Delete
blank tracks if only silence ("zero bytes") are found.
Experimental! Default: off.
- --extend
- When using option --ghost and only if a chunk of sound is detected,
enlarge chunk by amount of seconds at end if possible (no silence
will be added), or track may be trimmed if value is small (e.g. 0.3), use
with caution. Default: 2.0.
- --prepend
- When using option --ghost and only if a chunk of sound is detected,
enlarge chunk by amount of seconds at beginning, if possible (no
silence will be added), or track may be trimmed if value is small (e.g.
0.3), use with caution. Default: 2.0.
- -c, --coder
- Encoder(s) to use, 0 - Lame (for mp3), 1 - Oggenc, 2
- Flac, 3 - Faac, 4 - mp4als, 5 - Musepack, 6
- Wavpack, 7 - ffmpeg, a comma separated list, or as an array. The
same encoder may be stated more than once, but different
output-directories must be specified (to prevent overwriting files with
identical path) stating the --dirtemplate for each encoder or using
the $quality parameter in option --dirtemplate or stating the
--tracktemplate for each encoder. See below. Default:
- --faacopt
- Pass other options to the encoder. If the same encoder has been stated
more than once, use a comma separated list. Do not use this option for
compression level, use option --quality instead. Quote them with double
quotes if needed; default: not set.
- --flacopt
- Pass other options to the encoder. If the same encoder has been stated
more than once, use a comma separated list. Do not use this option for
compression level, use option --quality instead. Quote them with double
quotes if needed; default: not set.
- --flacdecopt
Flac decoding options
- Additional options for flac when used to decode flac files. Might be
needed to force (over) writing existing wav files: Default: -s
- --lameopt
- Pass other options to the encoder. If the same encoder has been stated
more than once, use a comma separated list. Do not use this option for
quality settings, use option --quality instead. Quote them with double
quotes if needed; default: not set.
- --museopt
- Pass other options to the encoder. If the same encoder has been stated
more than once, use a comma separated list. Do not use this option for
quality settings, use option --quality instead. Quote them with double
quotes if needed; default: not set.
- --musenc
- Choose Musepack encoder to be used, either mpcenc or mppenc for older
versions; default: mpcenc.
- --mp4opt
- Pass other options to the encoder. Option -MP4 of encoder mp4als is
mandatory to enable tagging of sound files. Use the appropriate options to
alter compression level and speed. If the same encoder has been stated
more than once, use a comma separated list. Quote them with double quotes
if needed; default: not set.
- --oggencopt
- Pass other options to the encoder. If the same encoder has been stated
more than once, use a comma separated list. Do not use this option for
quality settings, use option --quality instead. Quote them with double
quotes if needed; default: not set.
- --wavpackopt
- Pass other options to the encoder. If the same encoder has been stated
more than once, use a comma separated list. Quote them with double quotes
if needed; default: not set.
- --ffmpegopt
- Pass other options to the encoder. If the ffmpeg has been stated more than
once, use a comma separated list. Quote them with double quotes if needed;
default: not set.
- --ffmpegsuffix
- The suffix of the formats to be encoded. If ffmpeg has been stated more
than once, use a comma separated list. Quote them with double quotes if
needed; default: not set.
- -q, --quality
- A comma separated list of values or the word "off",
passed in the same order as the list of encoders. If no encoders passed,
follow the order of the config file. This options name might be misleading
as lossless encoders do not have a quality but a compression level
instead. Depending the encoder it refers, this option means: quality for
oggenc: (1-10), highest = 10; compression level for Flac: (0-8), lowest
(but fastest) compression = 0; quality for Lame in vbr mode: (0-9), best
quality = 0; or quality for Faac: (10-500), highest = 500; mp4als seems
not to accept any compression level, set to zero; quality for Musepack:
(0-10), best quality = 10; default: 5,3,5,100,0,5. Wavpack and ffmpeg have
no quality switch, use encoder options instead. The value "off"
turns option quality off, if supported by the encoder. Encoders that need
a quality or compression level will use default value in case
"off" is used.
E. g. --coder 2,0,1,3 --quality 3,4,5,300 sets compression
level for Flac to 3, Lame-quality to 4, Oggenc-quality to 5 and Faac
quality to 300.
- -v, --vbrmode
- Option vbrmode defines variable-bitrate, only used with Lame, the mode is
either new or old, see the Lame manpage. The Lame-option
quality will be changed to -V instead of -q if vbr-mode is
used; default: not set.
- -b, --bitrate
- Encode "mp3" at this bitrate for Lame. If option
--vbrmode used, bitrate is equal to the -b option, so one
might want to set it "off"; or set if "off" if all
options are passed to --lameopt. Default: 128.
- -B, --maxrate
- Option maxrate (bitrate) for Lame when using --vbrmode is
translated to the -B option in Lame or the -M option in
Oggenc, default: 0.
- -S, --preset
- Use the preset switch when encoding with Lame. Combined with option
--vbrmode new the "preset fast" setting will be used. Use
--vbrmode old not to use fast VBR. Mode is one of:
insane (320 kbps @ CBR),
extreme (256 kbps),
standard (192 kbps) or
medium (160 kbps) or any other valid bitrate.
Default: off.
- -W, --chars
- Exclude special characters in file names and path. The argument is
optional. The argument accepts a list of any characters. One might
escape the characters or use double quotes to pass them on the command
line. The argument also accepts the presets NTFS, HFS or
off. Following characters will be erased, if no argument stated or
the word NTFS is passed: |\:*?$ plus blanks and periods at beginning and
end of file names and directories. When using the word HFS, only colons
will be purged plus blanks and periods at beginning of file names and
directories. Pass the word "off" as argument to set the option
off again. Default: off.
- Specify a comment for the comment-tag for Lame, Faac, Musepack and
Wavpack, or the description-tag for Oggenc and Flac. The special comment
cddbid or discid will place the cddbid (used by freedb) or
the discid (used for MusicBrainz) into the comment. See also option
--mp3tags, --flactags or --oggtags for more special tags to be added;
default: not set.
- -g, --genre
- Specify (and override CDDB) genre, must be a valid ID3-genre if
using Lame, can (but shouldn't) be anything if using other encoders;
default: not set.
- -y, --year
- Specify (and override CDDB) the year of year-tag for Lame, Faac,
Musepack and Wavpack or the date-tag for Oggenc and Flac; default: not
- --coverart
- A number or comma separated list of numbers (if several
encoders are used) according to option --coder with values 0 (no) or 1
(yes); default 0.
- --coverpath
- Path to the coverart picture to be included in the metadata of the sound
files. The picture must be present or acquired using e.g. the --precmd
option to call a specific script taking care of the process finding
coverart or option --coverorg in combination with option --mb (see below).
This option is mandatory in case --coverart is used. The full path might
be given with variables according to the --dirtemplate and using same
quoting rules. Absolutely no checks about existence of path will happen
and a missing path will not be created so that a wrong argument might lead
to failed downloads when using --coverorg. No checks about existence of
coverart will be done if --interaction is set off. In case of re-encoding
the variable $inputdir can be stated. Default: not set.
- --coverorg
- Retrieve coverart from using the MusicBrainz release
ID (not to be confused with the discid, used to find the release on
MusicBrainz). Furthermore as an experimental feature will be
used in case a discogs release ID was listed on the MusicBrainz release
page. But this might be out of order any time as discogs changes page
layout frequently. If a cover is downloaded from all
other files will get suffixes in their file names not to overwrite any
files. Note that the --coverpath must be set to save the coverart and must
reflect an existing path. Possible values 0 (no) or 1 (yes), default
- --coversize
- Resize the provided coverart picture to a fix value according to
ImageMagicks convert command, either values in the format XXXxYYY or only
a width to keep aspect ratio. The original coverart file will be renamed.
Possible values: any valid format, default: not set.
- --copycover
- Full path to any kind of file (e.g. the coverart picture) to be copied
into all directories containing encoded files. The argument might consist
of variables according to the --dirtemplate and using same quoting rules.
In case of re-encoding the variable $inputdir can be stated, default: not
- --flactags
- Additional tags for flac not passed by the encoder to ensure
evaluation of special tags similar to mp3tags. Use option --flacopt
"--tag=FRAME=foo" for additional hard coded tags instead. When
using MusicBrainz additional metadata provided can be added as tags using
the scheme FRAME=frame. Supported are ASIN, BARCODE, CATALOGNUMBER (using
(using tag "discid") and MBREID aka MUSICBRAINZ_ALBUMID (using
tag mbreid) with the tag in lower case, e.g. adding an asin:
--flactags=ASIN=asin will evaluate the lower case asin if the variable is
defined. Nothing is added if the metadata is not available. The option is
an array, for each additional frame/tag to be added state the option once.
Default: not set
- --mp3tags
- Additional tags to be added to the mp3 file(s) if encoder does not provide
options for the FRAME or if some unofficial FRAMEs shall be
used (e.g. a compilation tag set to 1: TCMP=1). This option only supports
basic (id3v2.4) frames in the format FRAME=tag (e.g.
(e.g. a user defined text annotation for the description ASIN:
TXXX=[ASIN]B003ZYEQ30). Note that the braces must be stated with some
content and do not stand for optional content. More than one --mp3tags
statement can be used if several tags shall be added. Do not add a COMM
frame here as this tag is supported by (older versions of) Lame and the
corresponding option exists in Ripit. The same goes for the APIC frame
which has its own option in Ripit. Newer versions of Lame may support this
tags using Lame option --tv to be passed with Ripits option --lameopt.
No checks on encoding will happen on content stated here, in case option
--utftag is switched off operator has to ensure encoding of the tags.
Special tags will be evaluated in case the metadata is provided e.g. when
using MB and the TXXX tag. Supported are ASIN, CATALOG, BARCODE, CDDBID,
DGID, DISCID aka "MusicBrainz Disc Id" and MBREID aka
"MusicBrainz Album Id" with the tag in lower case, e.g.
--mp3tags TXXX=[ASIN]asin will replace asin with the value if the variable
is defined. Default: not set.
- --oggtags
- Additional tags for ogg files similar to --flactags. Default: not
- --vatag
- Analyze track names for "various artists" style and split the
metadata in case one of the delimiters (colon, hyphen, slash or
parenthesis) are found. Use unpair numbers for the scheme "artist ?
tracktitle" and pair numbers in the opposite case. The artist will be
compared to the argument of option --vastring (see below). If the artist
must be like --vastring and each track have a delimiter, use 1 (2), if the
artist must be like --vastring while only some tracks contain the
delimiter, use 3 (4), if no restrictions apply for the artist but all
track names must have a delimiter, use 5 (6) and finally, if only a few
tracks contain a delimiter to be used as splitting point, set --vatag to 7
(8). Default: not set.
- --vastring
- A string (regular expression) that defines the "various artists"
style, e.g. Varios|VA. Default:
- -D, --dirtemplate
'"foo parameters"'
- Use single and double quotes to pass the parameters of the templates!
Allowed are any legal characters, slashes for multi-level directories and
following parameters: $album, $artist, $iletter,
$genre, $quality, $suffix, $trackname,
$tracknum, $year and $trackno; example:
'"$suffix $quality/my_snd_dir/$iletter/$artist/$year ‐
$album"'. The parameter $iletter is the initial letter of the artist
name; $trackno is the total number of tracks of the release, this might be
helpful to distinguish different releases with exactly the same name;
$quality might be needed, if one wants to encode the same format at
different qualities in the same run. Note that $quality reflects the
encoder options and not the arguments of option --quality which
might be set to "off". Or state different dirtemplates: the
option is an array, so one can use several different dirtemplates in the
same order as the encoders. If less dirtemplates than encoders are stated,
the last dirtemplate will be used for subsequent encoders and the
wav-directory, see EXAMPLES below, but must be defined for all formats
including wav in case rip (Morituri) is used. Default: '"$artist -
- -T, --tracktemplate
'"foo parameters"'
- See above. The tracktemplate is not an array, only one can be stated.
Additionally it allows two more variables helpful in case VA-style is
detected: $trackartist, $tracktitle; note: trackartist will
be filled with the value of artist in case no track artist has been found
to respect the templates settings, and tracktitle will hold the pure
trackname. Additional album-artist tags will be written, e.g. TPE2 tag for
Lame and the artist field will contain the track artist tag. Default:
'"$tracknum $trackname"'.
- --trackoffset
- Give a trackoffset to be added to the $tracknum variable (see above).
Might be useful to join multi disc releases into one directory (and to
switch option --overwrite to "y"). Default: 0.
- --addtrackoffset
- When using MusicBrainz, check for multi discs releases and automatically
add a calculated --trackoffset to the track counter. Ripit will try to
detect already ripped multi disc releases and temporarily switch option
--overwrite to "y" in case the first track of a multi disc
release is not present in an existing directory corresponding to the
Negate to switch option off again. Default: not set.
- --discno
- Set a counter for the disc when using a multi disc release. This option
accepts any integer; when using MB and --discno is set to 1 the discnumber
will be set to the discnumber according to the presented data (read as:
switch option on). Using a number > 1 will force this number and will
not be altered if MB gives a different disc number. Default: 0.
- --sshlist
- Comma separated list of remote machines where Ripit should encode.
The output path must be the same for all machines. Specify the login
(login@machine) only if not the same for the remote machine. Else just
state the machine names. See EXAMPLES for more information, default: not
- --scp
- If the file system can not be accessed on the remote machines, scp (copy)
the WAV files to the remote machines, default: off.
- --local
- Only used with option --sshlist; if all encoding shall be done on
remote machines, use --nolocal, default: on.
- --mb
- Access MusicBrainz DB via WebService::MusicBrainz module instead of freedb
(see below). One needs the discid calculation perl module or command to be
installed and in the path. Negate to switch option off again. A non
interactive freedb look-up will be done to retrieve a genre. Default:
- --mbrels
- Check each track for additional relationships, only vocal and work
relationships are handled. Possible values 0 (no) or 1 (yes); default:
- --mbname
- Give the users MusicBrainz login name to submit ISRCs to the database.
Saved in plain when using a config, default: not set.
- --mbpass
- Give the users MusicBrainz password to submit ISRCs to the database. Saved
in plain when using a config, default: not set.
- --isrc
- Enable ISRC detection with number = 1 (using icedax) and
submission to MusicBrainz. Note that option --mb must be switched
on. Possible values 0 (no) or 1 (yes); default: 0.
- --cdtext
- Check for CD text if no DB entry found, possible values 0 (no) or 1 (yes);
default 0; default: 0
- -C, --cddbserver
- CDDB server, either, or Default Note, the full address is "mirror", i. e.
default is Exception: and
have no mirrors, their full addresses are: and on port 80 (see transfer mode).
- -t, --transfer
- Transfer mode, cddb or http, will set default port to
8880 or 80 (for http), default: cddb. Note: use http mode with CDDB
servers or
- -m, --mirror
- Choose "freedb" or one of the possible freedb mirrors,
default: freedb. For more information check the web page
There is no list of mirrors available these days. This option might be
obsolete as freedb uses random servers, but the default setting is
- -L, --protocol
- CDDB protocol level for CDDB query. Level = 6 supports UTF-8 and
level = 5 not. Use level = 5 to suppress UTF-8. Cf. option
--utftag below. Default: 6.
- -P, --proxy
- The http proxy to use when accessing the cddb server. The CDDB protocol
must be http. Default: not set.
- -n, --nice
- Set niceness of encoding process, default: 0.
- -a,
- Read and/or save CDDB files in $HOME/.cddb/"category" directory
using the xmcd format, where the "category" is one of the 11
CDDB categories or in case MusicBrainz is used an additional category
"musicbrainz" will be used. Default: off.
- -e, --eject
- Ejects the CD when finished, if hardware supports it. Use --noeject to
switch it off. Default: off.
- --ejectcmd
- Command to be used for ejection or loading of CD tray. Should be
specified within FreeBSD even if option --eject is not used to enable
Ripit to load the CD tray. One does not need to mention the words close or
eject or options like -t, Ripit does it. Default: eject.
- --ejectopt
- Options for ejection command to be used for ejection or loading of
CD tray. Default: the path to the CD device.
- --halt
- Powers off the machine when finished if configuration supports it,
default: off.
- -s,
- Specify --nosubmission if the computer is offline and the created
file cddb.toc shall be saved in the home directory instead of being
submitted. With option --archive it will also be saved in the
$HOME/.cddb directory. The purpose of this option is also to permit the
user to edit the CDDB data for the own track names & tags and not to
overwrite the original CDDB entry. Default: on.
- -M, --mail
- Users return email address, needed for submitting an entry to Default: not set.
- --mailopt
- Additional options, added to sendmail command. The reply-to address
will be used with option -r as defined above. Default: -t
- -A, --book
- Create an audiobook file, i. e. merge all tracks into one single file,
option --ghost will be switched off.
If encoder faac is used file suffix will be m4b instead of m4a and a chapter
file will be written for chapter marks. The installed version of faac must
support the -w option to write tags.
Note that options --wav and --cdtoc should also be switched off. Possible
values 0 (off) or 1 (on); default: off.
- --cdcue
- Number n = 1 or 2 to create cue sheets to burn the wavs with
CD-Text. The cue sheets will be copied to the other file formats. Number
1 will switch option --ghost on to eliminate chunks of silence.
Number 2 is experimental but does not switch option --ghost on and
may be used if number 1 fails. Default: off.
- --cdtoc
- Number n = 1 to create a toc file to burn the wavs with CD-Text
using cdrdao or cdrecord. Default: off.
- --inf
- Number n = 1 to create inf files to burn the wavs with CD-Text
using wodim or cdrecord. Default: off.
- -p, --playlist
- Create the m3u playlist file, or use --playlist 0. For file
names without full path use --playlist 2. Default is full
path for file names. Default 1 - on.
- -i,
- Specify --nointeraction if ripit shall take the first entry found
and rip without any questioning. Default: on.
- --lcd
- Use lcdproc to display status, default: not set.
- --lcdhost
- Specify the lcdproc host, default: localhost.
- --lcdport
- Specify the lcdport, default: 13666.
- --infolog
- Log operations (system calls, file/directory creation) to file
given with full path; default: not set.
- -l, --lowercase
- Lowercase file names and or directories (from tracktemplate and
dirtemplate): number n = 0, off, 1, on for file names and
directories, 2, only for file names, 3, only for
directories, default: off.
- -u,
- Use underscores (_) instead of spaces in file names, default: off.
- --uppercasefirst
- Uppercase first letter of each word in file names and tags. Use this
option if the CDDB entry is uppercase only. Default: off.
- -U,
- Keep Lame-tags in UTF-8 or decode them (but not the file names) from UTF-8
to ISO8859-1. Applies only to mp3 (Lame). May be useful for tags with
special characters and if mp3-player doesn't support Unicode. Using
Musepack one might want to pass the Musepack option --unicode to option
museopt. Note that combining with options --threads (and or --sshlist) may
lead to issues and must be regarded as experimental. Default: off.
- --rip
- Rip the CD, to be used as --norip if wav (or flac) files are present.
Previously used for debugging, may be useful to re-encode existing wav or
flac files in a given --inputdir (see below). Option --inputdir is
mandatory in case --norip is used. Default: not set. Note: this option can
not be defined in the config file.
- --inputdir
- Full path to the directory with wav or flac files to be re-encoded using
option --norip. See also option --cdid to get awereness on some unexpected
behaviour. Default: not set. Note: this option can not be defined in the
config file.
- --cdid
- Give a freedb.ord CDDBID or a musicbrainz discid in case lookup shall be
done when re-encoding wav or flac files and existing track names (of wavs)
or tags (in flac files) should be updated when using --norip. If not
stated, ripit will try to detect an ID in playlist, toc or log files or
cue sheets to retrieve local or online metadata. This means: a look-up may
happen even if this option is not stated. This may lead to some unexpected
effects, e.g. differing directory or track names from those stated in
option --inputdir, new tracknumbers in case ghost songs are present,
merged multi disc releases and so on. Default: not set. Note: this option
can not be defined in the config file.
- --encode
- Do encode the wavs. If only the wav-files shall be created, prevent
encoding with --noencode (and use option --wav, see below).
Default: on.
- -w, --wav
- Keep the wav files after encoding instead of deleting them, default:
- -N,
- Normalizes the wave-files to a given dB-value (default: -12dB). Default:
This is useful when encoding
- for hardware or software that doesn't support the
- to audio formats without replaygain capabilities.
- --normcmd
- Command to use for normalizing, default: normalize.
- -z,
- Options to pass to normalize. Possible values:
-a -nndB : |
Normalize to -nn dB, default is -12dB, |
Value range: |
All values <= 0dB |
Example : |
normalize -a -20dB *.wav |
-b : |
Batch mode ‐ loudness differences between |
individual tracks of a CD are maintained |
-m : |
Mix mode ‐ all track are normalized to the |
same loudness |
-v : |
Verbose operation |
-q : |
Quiet operation |
For further options see normalize documentation
( Please note that normalizing to a high dB
value, e.g. -6dB or less will lead to severe compression of the audio
signal, thus losing sound quality. Keeping the default value of -12dB is
Default: -b Option v (q) will be set according to verbosity chosen.
- -h, --help
- Print this and exit.
- -V,
- Print version and exit.
- -x, --verbose
- Run silent (do not output comments, status etc.) (number n = 0),
with minimal output (n = 1), normal without encoder messages (n =
2), normal (n = 3), verbose (n = 4), extremely
verbose (n = 5). Default 3.
- --config
- Read parameters from config file or specify --noconfig to prevent
reading it. A local config file in $HOME/.ripit/ will have higher
priority, only if the local file does not exist, ripit will try to read
/etc/ripit/config. Default: on.
- --confname
- Read parameters from a specific configuration file if special options are
needed, this might be useful if operator wants different settings for
discs containing music than e.g. audio books. Default: config.
- --confdir
- Read parameters from a config file in a specific directory, default is
- --save
- Add parameters passed on command line to an existing config file. This
does not overwrite other existing settings. Options of an existing config
file will be adopted and the old file saved as config.old no matter if a
file named config.old already exists. Default: off.
- --savenew
- Save all parameters passed on command line to a new config file, backup an
existing file to config.old no matter if a file named config.old already
exists. Creates a default config file if no options are passed on command
line. Default: off.
- --loop
- After ejection of the previous CD continue ripping and encoding as soon as
a new CD has been fed. This option forces ejection (--eject). The
value is either 0 for normal use (single run) or 1 for
(standard) looping. Experimental value 2 might be used to force
immediate restart of the ripping process even if encoder did not yet
complete. This will spoil the output, this will show the prompt although a
child process is running (waiting for a new CD) and must be terminated
The config file will be read out on each run just before ejection of the
disc. In case one alters the config file after ejection, close the tray
with the disc already done for re-reading the config and re-ejection of
the disc. Therefore it might be useful to pass as few options as possible
on the CL when using option --loop, because options passed on the CL can
of course not be alterd with the config file during a loop.
Default: off.
- --quitnodb
- Give up CD if no CDDB entry found. Useful if option --loop or
--nointeraction are on. Default behaviour is to let operator enter data or
to use default artist, album and track names. Possible values: 0 - off, 1
- on, default: off
- --resume
- Resume a previously started session. Default: off.
- -O, --overwrite
- Default behaviour of Ripit is not to overwrite existing directories, a
suffix will be added if directory name exists. Use option overwrite to
prevent this and either overwrite a previous rip (y) or force Ripit
to quit (q) or even eject the disc (e). If ejection is
chosen, the disc will be ejected even if option --eject has not been
switched on. Default: off (n)
- --dpermission
- Change the directory permission to number. Default: 0755.
- --fpermission
- Change the file permission to number. Default: 0644.
- --md5sum
- Create a MD5-sum file for each type of sound files.
- --threads
- Comma separated list of numbers giving maximum of allowed encoders to run
at the same time. In conjunction with option sshlist the number for the
local machine is mandatory and must be stated first. Default: 1.
- -X, --execmd
- State a command to be executed when ripit finished. The same
variables as in the dirtemplate can be stated. When using MusicBrainz one
can try to use $cd{asin} to pass the ASIN to the command to be executed.
Make sure to escape the command if needed. Default: not set.
- --precmd
- State a command to be executed before ripping started. The same
variables as in the dirtemplate can be stated. When using MusicBrainz one
can try e.g. to use $cd{asin} to pass the ASIN to the command to be
executed, which might be useful when executing a script to retrieve
coverart from a site. Make sure to escape the command if needed. Default:
not set.
To specify a CD device, type
- ripit --device /dev/sr1
To specify the output directory, type
- ripit --outputdir /foo/paths/
To rip and encode a special track selection, type
- ripit 1,3-6,8-11
To use several encoders in the same run, type
- ripit --coder 1,0,2 --quality 3,5,6
In case many encoders are desired, option --threads may be handy
on a multicore CPU (omitting any quality settings in this example)
- ripit --coder 0,1,2,4 --threads 4
To use Lame with variable bitrate (VBR), type
- ripit --vbrmode new --bitrate 0
Note, one should reset the --bitrate to 0 (zero) if the
-b option of Lame is not desired. According to VBR mode in Lame, use
"new" or "old".
It is recommended to use the preset switches for Lame, (see Lame
man-page) and specify fast encoding with --vbrmode new (use
--vbrmode old to switch off the fast encoding)
- ripit --preset extreme --vbrmode new
To pass options related to the encoder use the according encoder
option switch: e.g. to use the managed mode with oggenc:
- ripit -c 1 --oggencopt "--managed -b 192 -M 224 -m
96" --quality "off"
Check for ghost songs and trim very long lead-in/out of each
- ripit --ghost --prepend 2.0 --extend 2.0
Encode the same format in 2 qualities, at low quality for a
portable, at high quality for home:
- ripit --dirtemplate '"cbr/$artist/$year ‐ $album"'
--dirtemplate '"preset/$artist ‐ $album"' \
--coder 0,0 --bitrate off --quality off,off \
--lameopt "-b 128 -q 2,--preset extreme"
Force Ripit to use one and the same directory for all sound
- ripit --dirtemplate '"/"'
--outputdir="/media/sound" \
To normalize the wave-files prior to encoding:
- ripit --normalize
To normalize the files to -18dB using "mix mode" (see
normalize documentation)
- ripit --normalize --normopt "-m -a -18dB"
Add coverart retrieved from coverartarchive to the encoded files.
Note that instead of a full path ('"/home/me/$artist -
$album/cover.jpg"') the evaluated internal variable $wavdir has been
used to ensure that the cover goes to the right place in case Ripit alters
the $wavdir with some suffix to preven overwriting.
- ripit --noconfig -d /dev/cdrom -r 1 -c 2
--mb \
--coverart 1 --coverorg 1 --coverpath
Update a config file in ~/home/.ripit/ with options: to use Lame
and Oggenc, don't create a m3u file, archive the CDDB entry files in
~/.cddb/"category"/ and to eject CD when done, type
- ripit --coder 0,1 --playlist 0 --archive
--eject --save
To do the job without any interaction, type
- ripit --nointeraction
Re-encode wav or flac files in inputdir using a special
configuration file with settings according for re-encoding (e.g. switched
overwrite mode on and use MusicBrainz to enable detection of
- ripit --confname config_4.0.0_reenc --inputdir
"/home/me/sound/2c - We shall see/flac" --norip
Rip only first 30 seconds of each track (useful for testing)
- ripit --span 0-30
To use a network for encoding, make sure that the output paths are
equal on all machines.
- ripit --sshlist sun,saturn,earth
where sun, saturn and earth are remote machines on which a user
can login via ssh without entering a password or passphrase! Note that the
paths must be equal for the user on all remote machines! If the login is
different on some machines, try
- ripit --sshlist login1@sun,login2@saturn,login3@earth
If there is "no" identical path on the remote machines,
then the user might enter e.g. /tmp/ as output directory. If the file-system
is not mounted on each remote machine, one can try to copy the wavs to the
remote machines using option --scp.
- ripit --sshlist sun,saturn,earth --scp
User config file (/etc/ripit/config will only be used if there is
no $HOME/.ripit/config):
- $HOME/.ripit/config
- /usr/share/doc/packages/ripit/README
Probably there are more than some.
cdparanoia(1), lame(1), oggenc(1), flac(1), normalize(1),
cdda2wav(1), ffmpeg(1)
Ripit is maintained by Felix Suwald, please send bugs, wishes
comments to ripit_[at]_suwald_[dot]_com with a concise subject.
For bugs, wishes and comments about lcdproc, please contact
Former maintainer: Mads Martin Joergensen; RipIT was originally developed by
Simon Quinn.
This manpage was originally created for the Debian GNU/Linux
system by help2man 1.36 and optimized by Elimar Riesebieter
<>, enhanced and updated by the maintainer.