rgb2ycbcr - convert non-YCbCr TIFF images to a YCbCr TIFF image
rgb2ycbcr [ options ] src1.tif src2.tif … dst.tif
rgb2ycbcr converts RGB color, greyscale, or bi-level TIFF images to YCbCr images by transforming and sampling pixel data. If multiple files are specified on the command line each source file is converted to a separate directory in the destination file.
By default, chrominance samples are created by sampling 2 by 2 blocks of luminance values; this can be changed with the -h and -v options. Output data are compressed with the PackBits compression scheme, by default; an alternate scheme can be selected with the -c option. By default, output data are compressed in strips with the number of rows in each strip selected so that the size of a strip is never more than 8 kilobytes; the -r option can be used to explicitly set the number of rows per strip.
tiffinfo (1), tiffcp (1), libtiff (3tiff)
LibTIFF contributors
1988-2024, LibTIFF contributors
September 5, 2024 | 4.5 |