repeatoire - part of mauveAligner package

allow redundant alignments?
chain seeds?
perform gapped extension on chains?
size of window to use during gapped extension
gap open penalty
gap extension penalty
Transition to Homologous
get help message
for each multiplicity
minimum repeat length
optimize for large repeats
try to load existing SML file?
only process seed matches on same strand?
only output extended matches?
procrastAligner output
min repeat family % id
find novel subset matches?
use novel matches found during gapped extension?
maximum repeat multiplicity (max copy number)
minimum repeat multiplicity (min copy number)
seed output file
FastA sequence file
optimize for small repeats
output with corresponding score and alignment info
use solid/exact seeds?
minimum Sum-of-Pairs alignment score
allow tandem repeats?
require two hits within w to trigger gapped extension?
Transition to Unrelated
unalign non-homologous sequence?
max gap width
XMFA format output
XML format output
seed weight
April 2015 repeatoire 1.2.0+4713