RAGOUT(1) User Commands RAGOUT(1)

ragout - Chromosome assembly with multiple references

ragout [-h] [-o output_dir] [-s {sibelia,maf,hal}] [--refine] [--solid-scaffolds] [--overwrite] [--repeats] [--debug] [-t THREADS] [--version] recipe_file

path to recipe file

show this help message and exit
output directory (default: ragout-out)
backend for synteny block decomposition (default: sibelia)
enable refinement with assembly graph (default: False)
do not break input sequences - disables chimera detection module (default: False)
overwrite results from the previous run (default: False)
enable repeat resolution algorithm (default: False)
enable debug output (default: False)
number of threads for synteny backend (default: 1)
show program's version number and exit

This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

February 2019 ragout 2.1.1