QUORUM(1) User Commands QUORUM(1)

quorum - run quorum error corrector on fastq file

quorum [options] <fastq> [fastq]

Run the quorum error corrector on the given fastq file. If the --paired-files switch is given, quorum expect an even number of files on the command line, each pair files containing pair end reads. The output will be two files (<prefix>_1.fa and <prefix>_2.fa) containing error corrected pair end reads.

Mer database size (default 200M)
Number of threads (default number of cpus)
Output prefix (default quorum_corrected)
Kmer length (default 24)
Minimum quality char. Usually 33 or 64 (autodetect)
Minimum above -q for high quality base (5)
Window size for trimming
Maximum number of errors in a window
Minimum count for a k-mer to be good
Number of bases to skip to find anchor kmer
Numer of good kmer in a row for anchor
Minimum count for an anchor kmer
Contaminant sequences
Trim sequences with contaminant mers
Do not discard reads, output a single N (false)
Preserve mate pairs in two files
Trim homo-polymer on 3' end
Display debugging information
Display version
This message

This manpage was written by Andreas Tille for the Debian distribution and can be used for any other usage of the program.

May 2017 quorum 1.1.1