QSFILTER2(1) | qsfilter2 man page | QSFILTER2(1) |
qsfilter2 - an utility to generate mod_qos request line rules out from existing access/audit log data.
qsfilter2 -i <path> [-c <path>] [-d <num>] [-h] [-b <num>] [-p|-s|-m|-o] [-l <len>] [-n] [-e] [-u 'uni'] [-k <prefix>] [-t] [-f <path>] [-v 0|1|2]
mod_qos implements a request filter which validates each request line. The module supports both, negative and positive security model. The QS_Deny* directives are used to specify request line patterns which are not allowed to access the server (negative security model / deny list). These rules are used to restrict access to certain resources which should not be available to users or to protect the server from malicious patterns. The QS_Permit* rules implement a positive security model (allow list). These directives are used to define allowed request line patterns. Request which do not match any of these patterns are not allowed to access the server.
qsfilter2 is an audit log analyzer used to generate filter rules (perl compatible regular expressions) which may be used by mod_qos to deny access for suspect requests (QS_PermitUri rules). It parses existing audit log files in order to generate request patterns covering all allowed requests.
These access log data must include current request URIs but also request lines from previous rule generation steps. It must also include request lines which cover manually generated rules. You may use the 'qos-path' and 'qos-query' variables to create an audit log containing all request data (path and query/body data). Example: 'CustomLog audit_log %{qos-path}n%{qos-query}n'. See also http://mod-qos.sourceforge.net#qsfiltersample about the module settings.
The output of qsfilter2 is written to stdout. The output contains the generated QS_PermitUri directives but also information about the source which has been used to generate these rules. It is very important to check the validity of each request line which has been used to calculate the QS_PermitUri rules. Each request line which has been used to generate a new rule is shown in the output prefixed by "ADD line <line number>:". These request lines should be stored and reused at any later rule generation (add them to the URI input file). The subsequent line shows the generated rule. At the end of data processing a list of all generated QS_PermitUri rules is shown. These directives may be used withn the configuration file used by mod_qos.
qsfilter2 -i loc.txt -c httpd.conf -m -e
# ADD line 1: /aaa/index.do
# 003 ^(/[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]+)+[/]?\.?[a-zA-Z]{0,4}$
# ADD line 3: /aaa/view?page=1
# --- ^[/a-zA-Z0-9]+/view\?(page=[0-9]+)?$
# ADD line 4: /aaa/edit?document=1
# 004 ^[/a-zA-Z]+/edit\?((document)(=[0-9]*)*[&]?)*$
# ADD line 5: /aaa/edit?image=1.jpg
# 005 ^[/a-zA-Z]+/edit\?((image)(=[0-9\.a-zA-Z]*)*[&]?)*$
QS_PermitUri +QSF001 deny
QS_PermitUri +QSF002 deny "^[/a-zA-Z0-9]+/view\?(page=[0-9]+)?$"
QS_PermitUri +QSF003 deny
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Pascal Buchbinder, http://mod-qos.sourceforge.net/
May 2023 | mod_qos utilities 11.74 |