QSELECT(1) Grid Engine User Commands QSELECT(1)

qselect - select queues.

qselect [ -help ] [ -l resource=val,... ] [ -pe pe_name,... ] [ -q wc_queue,... ] [ -s {r|p|s|z|hu|ho|hs|hj|ha|h}[+] ] [ -U user,... ]

qselect prints a list of Grid Engine queue instance names corresponding to selection criteria specified in the arguments described below. The output is of limited use since it comprises queue instances rather than cluster queues or hosts.

Prints a listing of all options.
Defines the resources to be granted by the queues which should be included in the queue list output. Matching is performed on queues based on non-mutable resource availability information only. That means load values are always ignored except the so-called static load values listed in load_parameters(5). Also consumable utilization is ignored. If there are multiple -l resource requests they will be concatenated by a logical AND: a queue needs to offer all resources to be displayed.
Includes queue instances in the output to which are attached at least one of the parallel environments listed in the comma-separated option argument.
Directly specifies the wildcard expression queue list to be included in the output. This option usually is only meaningful in conjunction with another qselect option to extract a subset of queue names from a list given by -q. Description of wc_queue can be found in sge_types(5).
This option allows filtering by queue instances in certain states (see qstat(1).)
Includes the queues to which the specified users have access in the qselect output.

% qselect -l arch=linux
% qselect -l arch=linux -U andreas,shannon
% qconf -mattr queue h_vmem=1GB `qselect -l arch=linux`

The first example prints the names of those queues residing on Linux machines. The second command in addition restricts the output to those queues with access permission for the users andreas and shannon. The third command changes the queue attribute h_vmem to 1 Gigabyte on queues residing on Linux machines (see the qconf(1) manual page for details on the -mattr option and the queue_conf(5) manual page on details of queue configuration entries).

Specifies the location of the Grid Engine standard configuration files.
If set, specifies the default Grid Engine cell. To address a Grid Engine cell qselect uses (in the order of precedence):

The name of the cell specified in the environment variable SGE_CELL, if it is set.

The name of the default cell, i.e. default.

If set, specifies that debug information should be written to stderr. In addition the level of detail in which debug information is generated is defined.
If set, specifies the tcp port on which sge_qmaster(8) is expected to listen for communication requests. Most installations will use a services map entry for the service "sge_qmaster" instead to define that port.

	Grid Engine master host file

sge_intro(1), qconf(1), qmod(1), qstat(1), queue_conf(5),

See sge_intro(1) for a full statement of rights and permissions.

2012-01-04 SGE 8.1.3pre