pygac-convert-patmosx-coefficients - pygac calibration coeffiients conversion

usage: pygac-convert-patmosx-coefficients [-h] [-o JSON] [-v] tarball

Convert PATMOS-x calibration file tarballs to PyGAC calibration json format. The official tarballs are available on the PATMOS-x webpage "".

path to PATMOS-x coefficients tarball

show this help message and exit
path to PyGAC json file, defaults to tarball path with suffix ".json"
explain what is being done

The full documentation for pygac-convert-patmosx-coefficients is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and pygac-convert-patmosx-coefficients programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info pygac-convert-patmosx-coefficients

should give you access to the complete manual.

August 2020 pygac-convert-patmosx-coefficients v1.4.0