PXCLSQ(1) User Commands PXCLSQ(1)

pxclsq - clean positions or taxa with too much ambiguous data

pxclsq [OPTIONS]...

Clean alignments by removing positions/taxa with too much ambiguous data. This will take fasta, fastq, phylip, and nexus formats from a file or STDIN. Results are written in fasta format.

input sequence file, STDIN otherwise
proportion required to be present, default=0.5
remove columns that are completely empty (- or ?)
the minimum number of good characters required per site - a min of 1 is equivalent to -e above
consider missing data per taxon (default: per site)
examine sequences by codon rather than site - requires all sequences be in frame and of correct length
report counts of missing data and exit - combine with -t to get report by taxon (rather than site) - combine with -c to use codons as units
more verbose output (i.e. if entire seqs are removed)
output fasta file, STOUT otherwise
display this help and exit
display version and exit
display phyx citation and exit

Brown, Joseph W., Joseph F. Walker, and Stephen A. Smith. 2017. Phyx: phylogenetic tools for unix. Bioinformatics 33(12): 1886-1888. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx063.

Written by Joseph F. Walker, Joseph W. Brown, Stephen A. Smith (blackrim)

Report bugs to: <https://github.com/FePhyFoFum/phyx/issues> phyx home page: <https://github.com/FePhyFoFum/phyx>

Copyright © 2015-2021 FePhyFoFum License GPLv3

July 2023 pxclsq 1.3