PXCAT(1) User Commands PXCAT(1)

pxcat - sequence file concatenation

pxcat [OPTIONS]... FILES

Sequence file concatenation. Can use wildcards e.g.:

pxcat -s *.phy -o my_cat_file.fa

for x in *.phy
do echo $x >> flist.txt

pxcat -f flist.txt -o my_cat_file.fa

This will take fasta, fastq, phylip, and nexus sequence formats. Individual files may be of different formats.

list of input sequence files (space delimited)
file listing input files (one per line)
output partition file, none otherwise
export characters in uppercase
output sequence file, STOUT otherwise
display this help and exit
display version and exit
display phyx citation and exit

Brown, Joseph W., Joseph F. Walker, and Stephen A. Smith. 2017. Phyx: phylogenetic tools for unix. Bioinformatics 33(12): 1886-1888. https://doi.org/10.1093/bioinformatics/btx063.

Written by Joseph F. Walker, Joseph W. Brown, Stephen A. Smith (blackrim)

Report bugs to: <https://github.com/FePhyFoFum/phyx/issues> phyx home page: <https://github.com/FePhyFoFum/phyx>

Copyright © 2015-2021 FePhyFoFum License GPLv3

July 2023 pxcat 1.3