prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter - Export metrics from pgbouncer to Prometheus

usage: prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter [-h] [--version] [-c CONFIG] [--port PORT] [--host HOST] [--pgbouncer-port PGBOUNCER_PORT] [--pgbouncer-user PGBOUNCER_USER] [--pgbouncer-host PGBOUNCER_HOST] [--database DATABASE] [--licence-location LICENCE_LOCATION]

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config file path [env var: CONFIG]
Port on which to expose metrics [env var: PORT]
Host on which to expose metrics [env var: HOST]
Port to connect to pgbouncer [env var: PGBOUNCER_PORT]
User to connect to pgbouncer with [env var: PGBOUNCER_USER]
Host on which to connect to pgbouncer [env var: PGBOUNCER_HOST]
Databases to report metrics for, if this is not specified, all metrics will be reported [env var: PGBOUNCER_DATABASES]
The location of the licence, linked to through the web interface [env var: LICENCE_LOCATION]

Args that start with '--' can also be set in a config file (specified via -c). Config file syntax allows: key=value, flag=true, stuff=[a,b,c] (for details, see syntax at In general, command-line values override environment variables which override config file values which override defaults.

August 2024 prometheus-pgbouncer-exporter 1.7