Projecteur - virtual laser pointer for presentations

projecteur [OPTION]...

Projecteur provides a virtual laser pointer on the screen for use when giving presentations. The laser pointer can be controlled using a Logitech Spotlight or similar device. Projecteur supports a "laser pointer" like effect that is a colored dot on the screen, a "highlight" effect that dims the image except in the highlighted region, and a "zoom" effect that enlarges part of the display.

Projecteur can be configured with a dialog box activated from the system tray in a supported desktop environment.

Show command line usage.
Show complete command line usage with all properties.
Print application version.
Print detailed application version information.
Set custom config file.
Print device-scan results.
Set log level, where LEVEL is one of dbg, inf, wrn, err
Additional accepted device; DEVICE = vendorId:productId e.g., -D 04b3:310c; e.g. -D 0x0c45:0x8101; This option can be used multiple times and works in connection with the --device-scan option.
Send command/property to a running instance. See Commands and Properties for details. This option can be use multiple times.
Disable uinput support.
Show preferences dialog on application start.
Only allow minimizing the dialog. Useful for desktop environments that do not have a system tray.

Turn spotlight on/off or toggle.
Show/hide preferences dialog.
Set a preset.
Quit the running instance.

2023-10-17 Projecteur 0.10