primecount - count prime numbers

primecount x [options]

Count the number of primes less than or equal to x (<= 10^31) using fast implementations of the combinatorial prime counting function algorithms. By default primecount counts primes using Xavier Gourdon’s algorithm which has a runtime complexity of O(x^(2/3) / log^2 x) operations and uses O(x^(2/3) * log^3 x) memory. primecount is multi-threaded, it uses all available CPU cores by default.

-d, --deleglise-rivat

Count primes using the Deleglise-Rivat algorithm.

-g, --gourdon

Count primes using Xavier Gourdon’s algorithm (default algorithm).

-l, --legendre

Count primes using Legendre’s formula.


Count primes using Lehmer’s formula.


Count primes using the Lagarias-Miller-Odlyzko algorithm.

-m, --meissel

Count primes using Meissel’s formula.


Approximate pi(x) using the logarithmic integral.


Approximate the nth prime using Li^-1(x).

-n, --nth-prime

Calculate the nth prime.

-p, --primesieve

Count primes using the sieve of Eratosthenes.

--phi X A

phi(x, a) counts the numbers <= x that are not divisible by any of the first a primes.


Approximate pi(x) using the Riemann R function.


Approximate the nth prime using Ri^-1(x).

-s, --status[=NUM]

Show the computation progress e.g. 1%, 2%, 3%, ... Show NUM digits after the decimal point: --status=1 prints 99.9%.


Run various correctness tests and exit.


Print the time elapsed in seconds.

-t, --threads=NUM

Set the number of threads, 1 <= NUM <= CPU cores. By default primecount uses all available CPU cores.

-v, --version

Print version and license information.

-h, --help

Print this help menu.


Compute the 2nd partial sieve function.


Compute the ordinary leaves.


Compute the trivial special leaves.


Compute the easy special leaves.


Compute the hard special leaves.

The alpha tuning factor mainly balances the computation of the S2_easy and S2_hard formulas. By increasing alpha the runtime of the S2_hard formula will usually decrease but the runtime of the S2_easy formula will increase. For large pi(x) computations with x >= 10^25 you can usually achieve a significant speedup by increasing alpha.

The alpha tuning factor is also very useful for verifying pi(x) computations. You compute pi(x) twice but for the second computation you use a slightly different alpha factor. If the results of both pi(x) computations match then pi(x) has been verified successfully.

-a, --alpha=NUM

Set the alpha tuning factor: y = x^(1/3) * alpha, 1 <= alpha <= x^(1/6).


Compute the A + C formulas.


Compute the B formula.


Compute the D formula.


Compute the Phi0 formula.


Compute the 7 Sigma formulas.

The alpha_y and alpha_z tuning factors mainly balance the computation of the A, B, C and D formulas. When alpha_y is decreased but alpha_z is increased then the runtime of the B formula will increase but the runtime of the A, C and D formulas will decrease. For large pi(x) computations with x >= 10^25 you can usually achieve a significant speedup by decreasing alpha_y and increasing alpha_z. For convenience when you increase alpha_z using --alpha-z=NUM then alpha_y is automatically decreased.

Both the alpha_y and alpha_z tuning factors are also very useful for verifying pi(x) computations. You compute pi(x) twice but for the second computation you use a slightly different alpha_y or alpha_z factor. If the results of both pi(x) computations match then pi(x) has been verified successfully.


Set the alpha_y tuning factor: y = x^(1/3) * alpha_y, 1 <= alpha_y <= x^(1/6).


Set the alpha_z tuning factor: z = y * alpha_z, 1 <= alpha_z <= x^(1/6).

primecount 1000

Count the primes <= 1000.

primecount 1e17 --status

Count the primes <= 10^17 and print status information.

primecount 1e15 --threads 1 --time

Count the primes <= 10^15 using a single thread and print the time elapsed.

Kim Walisch <>
