primeGEM - Guest-in-host tree reconciliation tool
primeGEM [OPTIONS] guest-tree species-tree
guest-tree Name of file containing guest tree.
species-tree Species tree in Newick format. with divergence
gene-species-map A file that contains lines with a gene
name in the first column and species name as found in the species tree in
the second. You can also choose to associate the genes with species in the
gene tree.
- -h, -u
- Display help (this text).
- -o
- Output filename.
- -i INT
- Number of iterations.
- -t INT
- Thinning
- -m
- Do maximum likelihood. No MCMC.
- -w INT
- Write to stderr INT times less often than to stdout.
- -s INT
- Seed for pseudo-random number generator. If set to 0 (default), the
process id is used as seed.
- -q
- Do not output diagnostics to stderr.
- -g
- Debug info.
- -l
- Output likelihood. No MCMC.
- -Gr
- reroot gene tree. Default is a fixed root.
- -Go
- Estimate orthology. Default is discard orthology data.
- -Gs
- record speciation probabilities (orthology probabilities will not be
- Fix the birth/death rates to these values
- start values of birth/death rate parameters
- -Bt
- fix 'top time', the time between the first duplication and root of S, to
this value.
- -Bb
- The beta parameter for a prior distribution on species root distance.
- 0
- Successful program execution.
- 1
- Some error occurred
primeDTLSR(1), primeDLRS(1), showtree(1),
chainsaw(1), reconcile(1), reroot(1),
tree2leafnames(1), treesize(1)