prettyping - a better ping tool based on iputils-ping

prettyping [prettypingparameters] <standardpingparameters>

This script is a wrapper around the system's "ping" tool. It will substitute each ping response line by a colored character, giving a very compact overview of the ping responses.

Enable/disable color output. (default: enabled)
Enable/disable multi-color unicode output. Has no effect if either color or unicode is disabled. (default: enabled)
Enable/disable unicode characters. (default: enabled)
Enable/disable the latency legend. (default: enabled)
Force the output designed to a terminal. (default: auto)
Use the last "n" pings at the statistics line. (default: 60)
Override auto-detection of terminal dimensions.
Override auto-detection of terminal dimensions.
Minimum RTT represented in the unicode graph. (default: auto)
Maximum RTT represented in the unicode graph. (default: auto)
Override the awk interpreter. (default: awk)

--pingbin <exec> Override the ping tool. (default: ping)

Shortcut for: --pingbin ping6

Audible ping is not implemented yet.
Flood mode is not allowed in prettyping.
Quiet output is not allowed in prettyping.
Record route mode is not allowed in prettyping.
Verbose output seems to be the default mode in ping.

All other parameters are passed directly to ping.


December 2019 prettyping 1.0.1