PREQUEL(1) User Commands PREQUEL(1)

prequel - Compute marginal probability distributions for bases at ancestral

Compute marginal probability distributions for bases at ancestral nodes in a phylogenetic tree, using the tree model defined in tree.mod (may be produced with phyloFit). These distributions are computed using the sum-product algorithm, assuming independence of sites.

Currently, indels are not treated probabilistically (hence the "largely") but are reconstructed by parsimony, also assuming site independence. Specifically, each base is assumed to have been inserted on the branch leading to the last common ancestor (LCA) of all species that have actual bases (as opposed to alignment gaps or missing data) at a given site; gaps in descendant species are assumed to have arisen (parsimoniously) from deletions. When this LCA is either the left or right child of the root, insertions on one branch cannot be distinguished from deletions on the other. We conservatively assume that the base was present at the root and was subsequently deleted. (Note that this will produce an upward bias on the length of the sequence at the root.) Output is to files of the form outroot.XXX.probs, where XXX is the name of an ancestral node in the tree. These nodes may be named explicitly in tree.mod. Any ancestral node that is left unnamed will be given a name that is a concatenation of two names, belonging to arbitrarily selected leaves of each subtree beneath the node (see below).

Given a multiple alignment in a file called "mammals.fa" and a tree model called "mytree.mod" (see phyloFit), reconstruct all ancestral sequences:

prequel mammals.fa mytree.mod anc

If the TREE definition in mytree.mod has labeled ancestral nodes, e.g.,

TREE: ((human:0.101627,chimp:0.149870)primate:0.035401,(mouse:0.280291,rat:0.157212)rodent:0.035401)mammal;

then output will be to files named "anc.primate.probs", "anc.rodent.probs", and "anc.mammal.probs". (See If instead the ancestral nodes are unlabeled, e.g.,

TREE: ((human:0.101627,chimp:0.149870):0.035401,(mouse:0.280291,rat:0.157212):0.035401);

then names will be created by concatenating leaf names, e.g., "anc.human-chimp.probs", "anc.mouse-rat.probs", and "anc.human-mouse.probs".

Each output file will consist of a row for each position in the sequence and a column for each base, with the (i,j)th value giving the probability of base j at position i. For example,

p(C) p(G) p(T)
0.000039 0.998460 0.000052
0.000065 0.001755 0.000030
0.271307 0.000599 0.727668
0.000039 0.998460 0.000052
0.000179 0.973813 0.000182

By default, no row is reported for bases inferred not to have been present at an ancestral node, so the number of rows will generally be smaller than the number of columns in the input alignment. However, if you wish to maintain a correspondence between row number and alignment column, you can use the --keep-gaps option, which will cause "padding" rows to be included in the output, e.g.,

p(C) p(G) p(T)
0.000065 0.001755 0.000030
0.000039 0.998460 0.000052
0.000393 0.873431 0.000365
0.004878 0.018097 0.118851 0.858174
0.000030 0.001637 0.000064 0.998269

The output files produced by prequel can get quite large. They can be encoded in a compact binary form using pbsEncode, e.g.,

pbsEncode anc.human-mouse.probs codefile > anc.human-mouse.bin

although this encoding results in some loss of precision. Encoded files can be decoded using pbsDecode, e.g.,

pbsDecode anc.human-mouse.bin codefile > anc.human-mouse.probs

For maximum efficiency, encode ancestral reconstructions on the fly using the --encode option to prequel, e.g.,

prequel --encode codefile mammals.fa mytree.mod anc

Prequel can also be useful in optimizing a code based on training data. The --suff-stats option produces a more compact output file, which can then be fed to pbsTrain, e.g.,

prequel --suff-stats mammals.fa mytree.mod training pbsTrain training.stats > mammals.code

--seqs, -s <seqlist>

Argument should be comma-separated list of names of ancestral nodes.

--exclude, -x (for use with --seqs) Exclude rather than include specified sequences.

--keep-gaps, -k

--no-probs, -n

base, output the base with the maximum posterior probability. Output will be in FASTA format to files having suffix ".fa" rather than ".probs". If used with --keep-gaps, gap characters ('-') will appear in reconstructed sequences.

--suff-stats, -S

Output a table of probability vectors and counts, pooling together all nodes of the tree (or a subset defined by --seqs). Produces a file that can be used for code estimation by pbsTrain. Output file will have suffix ".stats".

--encode, -e <code_file> Encode probabilities using given code and output as binary files. Output files will have suffix ".bin" rather than ".probs"

--msa-format, -i FASTA|PHYLIP|MPM|MAF|SS

Alignment format (default is to guess format from file content). Note that the program msa_view can be used for conversion.

--refseq, -r <fname>

(for use with --msa-format MAF) Read the complete text of the reference sequence from <fname> (FASTA format) and combine it with the contents of the MAF file to produce a complete, ordered representation of the alignment. The reference sequence of the MAF file is assumed to be the one that appears first in each block.

--gibbs, -G <nsamples>

(experimental) Estimate posterior probabilities by Gibbs sampling rather than by the sum-product algorithm. Sample each sequence <nsamples> times and estimate posterior probabilities as fraction of times each base appeared at each position. This option is used by default if a dinucleotide or trinucleotide model is given (exact inference not possible). NOT YET IMPLEMENTED

--help, -h

Produce this help message.
May 2016 prequel 1.4