pngchunks - print information embedded into a PNG file


pngchunks is a program that displays informations from files created according to the Portable Network Graphics file format.

       pngchunks input.png Chunk: Data Length 13 (max 2147483647), Type 1380206665 [IHDR]
         Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
         IHDR Width: 256
         IHDR Height: 256
         IHDR Bitdepth: 8
         IHDR Colortype: 2
         IHDR Compression: 0
         IHDR Filter: 0
         IHDR Interlace: 0
         IHDR Compression algorithm is Deflate
         IHDR Filter method is type zero (None, Sub, Up, Average, Paeth)
         IHDR Interlacing is disabled
         Chunk CRC: -753909967 Chunk: Data Length 6 (max 2147483647), Type 1145523042 [bKGD]
         Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
         ... Unknown chunk type
         Chunk CRC: 554438993 Chunk: Data Length 9 (max 2147483647), Type 1935231088 [pHYs]
         Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, safe to copy
         ... Unknown chunk type
         Chunk CRC: -757235972 Chunk: Data Length 7 (max 2147483647), Type 1162692980 [tIME]
         Ancillary, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
         ... Unknown chunk type
         Chunk CRC: 429243611 Chunk: Data Length 831 (max 2147483647), Type 1413563465 [IDAT]
         Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
         IDAT contains image data
         Chunk CRC: 1406256926 Chunk: Data Length 0 (max 2147483647), Type 1145980233 [IEND]
         Critical, public, PNG 1.2 compliant, unsafe to copy
         IEND contains no data
         Chunk CRC: -1371381630

pngchunkdesc(1), pngcp(1), pnginfo(1).

This documentation was generated for pngtools 0.2 by autodocbook (

pngtools is under development by Michael Still ( All code is Copyright Michael Still 2001 to 2003, and is released under the GNU GPL. Code submissions are welcomed. Contact Michael at the address above if you have something you would like to contribute.

There are no known bugs in pngtools. If you find one, please contact and let me know.

01 April 2024