plotxy - plots circles, crosses, etc over images.

plotxy [options]

Input file (xylist)
Output file (default: stdout)
Input image on which plotting will occur; PPM format.
Input image is PNG format, not PPM.
Write PPM output instead of PNG.
Write PDF output.
Width of output image (default: data-dependent).
Height of output image (default: data-dependent).
X offset: position of the bottom-left pixel (default: 1).
Y offset: position of the bottom-left pixel (default: 1).
X column: name of the FITS column.
Y column: name of the FITS column.
First object to plot (default: 0).
Number of objects to plot (default: all).
Size of markers to plot (default: 5.0).
Linewidth (default: 1.0).
Shape of markers (default: circle): circle, crosshair, square, diamond, X, Xcrosshair
Color to plot in (default: white): darkred, red, darkgreen, green, blue, verydarkblue, white, black, cyan, magenta, yellow, brightred, skyblue, orange, gray, darkgray
Draw in color behind each marker.
Scale xylist entries by this value before plotting.
FITS extension to read (default 0).

The team. Principal investigators are David W. Hogg (NYU) and Dustin Lang (CMU).

July 2015 0.56