PIPX(1) Generated Python Manual PIPX(1)

pipx - Install and execute apps from Python packages.

pipx [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--version] {install,uninject,inject,upgrade,upgrade-all,uninstall,uninstall-all,reinstall,reinstall-all,list,run,runpip,ensurepath,environment,completions} ...

Install and execute apps from Python packages.

Binaries can either be installed globally into isolated Virtual Environments or run directly in a temporary Virtual Environment.

Virtual Environment location is ~/.local/share/pipx/venvs. Symlinks to apps are placed in ~/.local/bin. Symlinks to manual pages are placed in ~/.local/share/man.

optional environment variables:
PIPX_HOME Overrides default pipx location. Virtual Environments
will be installed to $PIPX_HOME/venvs.
PIPX_BIN_DIR Overrides location of app installations. Apps are
symlinked or copied here.
PIPX_MAN_DIR Overrides location of manual pages installations.
Manual pages are symlinked or copied here.
PIPX_DEFAULT_PYTHON Overrides default python used for commands.
USE_EMOJI Overrides emoji behavior. Default value varies based
on platform.

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Print version and exit

Install a package
Uninstall injected packages from an existing Virtual Environment
Install packages into an existing Virtual Environment
Upgrade a package
Upgrade all packages. Runs `pip install -U <pkgname>` for each package.
Uninstall a package
Uninstall all packages
Reinstall a package
Reinstall all packages
List installed packages
Download the latest version of a package to a temporary virtual environment, then run an app from it. Also compatible with local `__pypackages__` directory (experimental).
Run pip in an existing pipx-managed Virtual Environment
Ensure directories necessary for pipx operation are in your PATH environment variable.
Print a list of environment variables and paths used by pipx.
Print instructions on enabling shell completions for pipx

COMMAND 'pipx install'

usage: pipx install [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--include-deps] [--force]
[--suffix SUFFIX] [--python PYTHON]
[--preinstall PREINSTALL] [--system-site-packages]
[--index-url INDEX_URL] [--editable] [--pip-args PIP_ARGS]
[package_spec ...]

The install command is the preferred way to globally install apps from python packages on your system. It creates an isolated virtual environment for the package, then ensures the package's apps are accessible on your $PATH. The package's manual pages installed in share/man/man[1-9] can be viewed with man on an operating system where it is available and the path in the environment variable `PIPX_MAN_DIR` (default: ~/.local/share/man) is in the man search path ($MANPATH).

The result: apps you can run from anywhere, located in packages you can cleanly upgrade or uninstall. Guaranteed to not have dependency version conflicts or interfere with your OS's python packages. 'sudo' is not required to do this.

pipx install PACKAGE_NAME ... pipx install --python PYTHON PACKAGE_NAME pipx install VCS_URL pipx install ./LOCAL_PATH pipx install ZIP_FILE pipx install TAR_GZ_FILE

The PACKAGE_SPEC argument is passed directly to `pip install`.

The default virtual environment location is ~/.local/share/pipx and can be overridden by setting the environment variable `PIPX_HOME` (Virtual Environments will be installed to `$PIPX_HOME/venvs`).

The default app location is ~/.local/bin and can be overridden by setting the environment variable `PIPX_BIN_DIR`.

The default manual pages location is ~/.local/share/man and can be overridden by setting the environment variable `PIPX_MAN_DIR`.

The default python executable used to install a package is /usr/bin/python3 and can be overridden by setting the environment variable `PIPX_DEFAULT_PYTHON`.

package name(s) or pip installation spec(s)

OPTIONS 'pipx install'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Include apps of dependent packages

Modify existing virtual environment and files in PIPX_BIN_DIR and PIPX_MAN_DIR

Optional suffix for virtual environment and executable names. NOTE: The suffix feature is experimental and subject to change.

Python to install with. Possible values can be the executable name (python3.11), the version to pass to py launcher (3.11), or the full path to the executable.Requires Python 3.8 or above.

Optional packages to be installed into the Virtual Environment before installing the main package.

Give the virtual environment access to the system site-packages dir.

Base URL of Python Package Index

Install a project in editable mode

Arbitrary pip arguments to pass directly to pip install/upgrade commands

COMMAND 'pipx uninject'

usage: pipx uninject [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--leave-deps]
package dependencies [dependencies ...]

Uninstalls injected packages from an existing pipx-managed virtual environment.

Name of the existing pipx-managed Virtual Environment to inject into

the package names to uninject from the Virtual Environment

OPTIONS 'pipx uninject'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Only uninstall the main injected package but leave its dependencies installed.

COMMAND 'pipx inject'

usage: pipx inject [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--include-apps]
[--include-deps] [--system-site-packages]
[--index-url INDEX_URL] [--editable] [--pip-args PIP_ARGS]
[--force] [--with-suffix]
package dependencies [dependencies ...]

Installs packages to an existing pipx-managed virtual environment.

Name of the existing pipx-managed Virtual Environment to inject into

the packages to inject into the Virtual Environment--either package name or pip package spec

OPTIONS 'pipx inject'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Add apps from the injected packages onto your PATH and expose their manual pages

Include apps of dependent packages. Implies --include-apps

Give the virtual environment access to the system site-packages dir.

Base URL of Python Package Index

Install a project in editable mode

Arbitrary pip arguments to pass directly to pip install/upgrade commands

Modify existing virtual environment and files in PIPX_BIN_DIR and PIPX_MAN_DIR

Add the suffix (if given) of the Virtual Environment to the packages to inject

COMMAND 'pipx upgrade'

usage: pipx upgrade [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--include-injected] [--force]
[--system-site-packages] [--index-url INDEX_URL]
[--editable] [--pip-args PIP_ARGS]

Upgrade a package in a pipx-managed Virtual Environment by running 'pip install --upgrade PACKAGE'

OPTIONS 'pipx upgrade'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Also upgrade packages injected into the main app's environment

Modify existing virtual environment and files in PIPX_BIN_DIR and PIPX_MAN_DIR

Give the virtual environment access to the system site-packages dir.

Base URL of Python Package Index

Install a project in editable mode

Arbitrary pip arguments to pass directly to pip install/upgrade commands

COMMAND 'pipx upgrade-all'

usage: pipx upgrade-all [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--include-injected]
[--skip SKIP [SKIP ...]] [--force]

Upgrades all packages within their virtual environments by running 'pip install --upgrade PACKAGE'

OPTIONS 'pipx upgrade-all'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Also upgrade packages injected into the main app's environment

skip these packages

Modify existing virtual environment and files in PIPX_BIN_DIR and PIPX_MAN_DIR

COMMAND 'pipx uninstall'

usage: pipx uninstall [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] package

Uninstalls a pipx-managed Virtual Environment by deleting it and any files that point to its apps.

OPTIONS 'pipx uninstall'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

COMMAND 'pipx uninstall-all'

usage: pipx uninstall-all [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose]

Uninstall all pipx-managed packages

OPTIONS 'pipx uninstall-all'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

COMMAND 'pipx reinstall'

usage: pipx reinstall [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--python PYTHON] package

Reinstalls a package.

Package is uninstalled, then installed with pipx install PACKAGE with the same options used in the original install of PACKAGE.

OPTIONS 'pipx reinstall'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Python to reinstall with. Possible values can be the executable name (python3.11), the version to pass to py launcher (3.11), or the full path to the executable.Requires Python 3.8 or above.

COMMAND 'pipx reinstall-all'

usage: pipx reinstall-all [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--python PYTHON]
[--skip SKIP [SKIP ...]]

Reinstalls all packages.

Packages are uninstalled, then installed with pipx install PACKAGE with the same options used in the original install of PACKAGE. This is useful if you upgraded to a new version of Python and want all your packages to use the latest as well.

OPTIONS 'pipx reinstall-all'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Python to reinstall with. Possible values can be the executable name (python3.11), the version to pass to py launcher (3.11), or the full path to the executable.Requires Python 3.8 or above.

skip these packages

COMMAND 'pipx list'

usage: pipx list [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--include-injected]
[--json | --short | --skip-maintenance]

List packages and apps installed with pipx

OPTIONS 'pipx list'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Show packages injected into the main app's environment

Output rich data in json format.

List packages only.

Skip maintenance tasks.

COMMAND 'pipx run'

usage: pipx run [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--no-cache] [--path]
[--pypackages] [--spec SPEC] [--python PYTHON]
[--system-site-packages] [--index-url INDEX_URL] [--editable]
[--pip-args PIP_ARGS]
app ...

Download the latest version of a package to a temporary virtual environment, then run an app from it. The environment will be cached and re-used for up to 14 days. This means subsequent calls to 'run' for the same package will be faster since they can re-use the cached Virtual Environment.

In support of PEP 582 'run' will use apps found in a local __pypackages__ directory, if present. Please note that this behavior is experimental, and acts as a companion tool to pythonloc. It may be modified or removed in the future. See https://github.com/cs01/pythonloc.

app/package name and any arguments to be passed to it

OPTIONS 'pipx run'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Do not re-use cached virtual environment if it exists

Interpret app name as a local path

Require app to be run from local __pypackages__ directory

The package name or specific installation source passed to pip. Runs `pip install -U SPEC`. For example `--spec mypackage==2.0.0` or `--spec git+https://github.com/user/repo.git@branch`

Python to run with. Possible values can be the executable name (python3.11), the version to pass to py launcher (3.11), or the full path to the executable. Requires Python 3.8 or above.

Give the virtual environment access to the system site-packages dir.

Base URL of Python Package Index

Install a project in editable mode

Arbitrary pip arguments to pass directly to pip install/upgrade commands

COMMAND 'pipx runpip'

usage: pipx runpip [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] package ...

Run pip in an existing pipx-managed Virtual Environment

Name of the existing pipx-managed Virtual Environment to run pip in

Arguments to forward to pip command

OPTIONS 'pipx runpip'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

COMMAND 'pipx ensurepath'

usage: pipx ensurepath [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--force]

Ensure directory where pipx stores apps is in your PATH environment variable. Also if pipx was installed via `pip install --user`, ensure pipx itself is in your PATH. Note that running this may modify your shell's configuration file(s) such as '~/.bashrc'.

OPTIONS 'pipx ensurepath'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Add text to your shell's config file even if it looks like your PATH already contains paths to pipx and pipx-install apps.

COMMAND 'pipx environment'

usage: pipx environment [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose] [--value VARIABLE]

Prints the names and current values of environment variables used by pipx, followed by internal pipx variables which are derived from the environment variables and platform specific default values.


OPTIONS 'pipx environment'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

Print the value of the variable.

COMMAND 'pipx completions'

usage: pipx completions [-h] [--quiet] [--verbose]

Print instructions on enabling shell completions for pipx

OPTIONS 'pipx completions'

Give less output. May be used multiple times corresponding to the WARNING, ERROR, and CRITICAL logging levels.

Give more output.

pipx(1) was written by Chad Smith and contributors. The project can be found online at https://pipx.pypa.io

pip(1), virtualenv(1)

2024-02-11 pipx