pinot-index - Index documents from the command-line

pinot-index [OPTIONS] --db DATABASE URLS

pinot-index - Index documents from the command-line

name of back-end to use (default xapian)
check whether the given URL is in the index
path to, or name of, index to use (mandatory)
display this help and exit
index the given URL
MIME type detection override, as TYPE:EXT
show information about the document
output version information and exit

Supported back-ends are: 'xapian'

pinot-index --check --showinfo --backend xapian --db ~/.pinot/daemon ../Bozo.txt

pinot-index --index --db Docs

pinot-index --index --db Docs --override text/x-rst:rst /usr/share/doc/python-kitchen-1.1.1/docs/index.rst

Indexing documents to My Web Pages or My Documents with pinot-index is not recommended

Report bugs to

This is free software. You may redistribute copies of it under the terms of the GNU General Public License <>.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

February 2022 pinot 1.21
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