pg_autoctl show events - pg_autoctl show events

pg_autoctl show events - Prints monitor's state of nodes in a given formation and group

This command outputs the events that the pg_auto_failover events records about state changes of the pg_auto_failover nodes managed by the monitor:

usage: pg_autoctl show events  [ --pgdata --formation --group --count ]
--pgdata      path to data directory
--monitor     pg_auto_failover Monitor Postgres URL
--formation   formation to query, defaults to 'default'
--group       group to query formation, defaults to all
--count       how many events to fetch, defaults to 10
--watch       display an auto-updating dashboard
--json        output data in the JSON format

Location of the Postgres node being managed locally. Defaults to the environment variable PGDATA. Use --monitor to connect to a monitor from anywhere, rather than the monitor URI used by a local Postgres node managed with pg_autoctl.
Postgres URI used to connect to the monitor. Must use the autoctl_node username and target the pg_auto_failover database name. It is possible to show the Postgres URI from the monitor node using the command pg_autoctl show uri.
List the events recorded for nodes in the given formation. Defaults to default.
By default only the last 10 events are printed.
Take control of the terminal and display the current state of the system and the last events from the monitor. The display is updated automatically every 500 milliseconds (half a second) and reacts properly to window size change.

Depending on the terminal window size, a different set of columns is visible in the state part of the output. See pg_autoctl watch.

Output a JSON formatted data instead of a table formatted list.


Postgres directory location. Can be used instead of the --pgdata option.


Postgres URI to connect to the monitor node, can be used instead of the --monitor option.


The pg_autoctl command stores its configuration files in the standard place XDG_CONFIG_HOME. See the XDG Base Directory Specification.


The pg_autoctl command stores its internal states files in the standard place XDG_DATA_HOME, which defaults to ~/.local/share. See the XDG Base Directory Specification.

$ pg_autoctl show events --count 2 --json
     "nodeid": 1,
     "eventid": 15,
     "groupid": 0,
     "nodehost": "localhost",
     "nodename": "node1",
     "nodeport": 5501,
     "eventtime": "2021-03-18T12:32:36.103467+01:00",
     "goalstate": "primary",
     "description": "Setting goal state of node 1 \"node1\" (localhost:5501) to primary now that at least one secondary candidate node is healthy.",
     "formationid": "default",
     "reportedlsn": "0/4000060",
     "reportedstate": "wait_primary",
     "reportedrepstate": "async",
     "candidatepriority": 50,
     "replicationquorum": true
     "nodeid": 1,
     "eventid": 16,
     "groupid": 0,
     "nodehost": "localhost",
     "nodename": "node1",
     "nodeport": 5501,
     "eventtime": "2021-03-18T12:32:36.215494+01:00",
     "goalstate": "primary",
     "description": "New state is reported by node 1 \"node1\" (localhost:5501): \"primary\"",
     "formationid": "default",
     "reportedlsn": "0/4000110",
     "reportedstate": "primary",
     "reportedrepstate": "quorum",
     "candidatepriority": 50,
     "replicationquorum": true


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November 25, 2023 2.1