pfsearch - search a protein or DNA sequence library for sequence
segments matching a profile
- pfsearch
- [ -abdfhlLmruksvxyz ] [ -C cut_off ] [ -M
mode_nb ] [ -W width ] [ profile | - ]
[ sequence_library | - ] [ parameters ]
pfsearch compares a query profile against a DNA or protein
sequence library. The result is an unsorted list of profile-sequence matches
written to the standard output. A variety of output formats containing
different information can be specified via the options
-l, -L, -r, -k, -s, -x, -y
and -z. The file 'profile' contains a profile in
PROSITE format. The 'sequence_library' file contains a
sequence library in EMBL/SWISS-PROT format (assumed by
default) or in Pearson/Fasta format (indicated by option -f). If
'-' is specified instead of one of the filenames, the corresponding
data is read from the standard input.
- profile
- Input query profile.
The PROSITE profile contained in this file will be used to
search for profile to sequence matches in a biological sequence library.
If the filename is replaced by a '-', pfsearch will read the
profile from stdin.
- sequence_library
- Library of DNA or protein sequences.
This file should contain one or several EMBL/SWISS-PROT
(default) or Pearson/Fasta (option -f) formatted DNA or protein
sequences. The program pfsearch tries to identify matches between
the input profile and all individual sequences of this library. If the
filename is replaced by a '-', pfsearch will read the
sequence library from stdin.
- -a
- Report optimal alignment scores for all sequences regardless of the
cut-off value. This option simultaneously forces
- -b
- Search the complementary strands of DNA sequences as well.
- -f
- Input sequence library is in Pearson/Fasta format.
- -h
- Display usage help text.
- -l
- Indicate the value of the highest cut-off level exceeded by the match
score in the output list.
- -L
- Indicate by character string the highest cut-off level exceeded by the
match score in the output list.
- Note:
- The generalized profile format includes a text string field to specify a
name for a cut-off level. The -L option causes the program to
display the first two characters of this text string (usually something
like '!', '?', '??', etc.) at the
beginning of each match description.
- -m
- Report individual matches for circular profiles.
If the profile is circular, each match between a sequence and a profile can
be composed of a stretch of individual matches of the profile. By default,
pfsearch reports only the total matched region. When this option is
set, detailed information for each individual match will be output as
- Note:
- The scoring system for most circular profiles has been optimized to find
total matches, therefore the normalized scores of individual matches of a
circular profile to a sequence should be considered with caution.
- -r
- Use raw scores rather than normalized scores for match selection. The
normalized score is not printed, this option is useful to create raw score
lists to be used with pfscale(1).
- -u
- -C cut_off
- Cut-off value to be used for match selection.
The value of 'cut_off' overwrites the level zero cut-off value
specified in the profile.
An integer argument is interpreted as a raw score value, a decimal argument
as a normalized score value.
Default: profile level 0 cut-off value (normalized score if present)
- Note:
- Compared to release 2.2, an integer value does not force option
-r. Normalized scores will still be listed in output if an integer
cut-off is specified on the command line but cut-off level computation
will be based on raw score.
- -M mode_nb
- Normalization mode to use for score computation.
The 'mode_nb' specifies which normalization mode defined in the
profile should be used to compute the normalized scores for profile to
sequence matches. This option will override the profile's PRIORITY
If the specified normalization mode does not exist in the profile, an error
message will be output to standard error and the search is interrupted.
Type: integer
Default: lowest priority mode defined in the profile
- -d
- Limit sequence description length.
If this option is set, the description of the sequence on the header line
will be limited in length. If the match information is longer than the
output width specified using option -W, the sequence description
will not be printed. Else the description will be truncated to fit the
-W value.
By default, the sequence description is not truncated. This option can not
be used when option -k is set.
- -k
- Use xpsa(5) headers for output.
When this option is set, all output types (see below) will use an
xpsa(5) style header line. This format uses
keyword=value pairs to output alignment parameters. It is
useful to transfer information between different sequence alignment
- -s
- List the sequences of the matched regions as well. The output will be a
Pearson/Fasta-formatted sequence library.
- -v
- Suppress sequence/profile parsing warnings. If this option is set no
warning messages will be printed on stderr. Only fatal errors will
be reported. This option should be used with caution.
- -x
- List profile-sequence alignments in psa(5) format. Please refer to
the corresponding man page for more information.
- -y
- Display alignments between the profile and the matched sequence regions in
a human-friendly pairwise alignment format.
- -z
- Indicate starting and ending position of the matched profile range. The
latter position will be given as a negative offset from the end of the
profile. Thus the range [ 1, -1] means entire profile.
- -W width
- Set alignment output width.
The value of 'width' specifies how many residues will be output on
one line when any of the
-s, -x or -y options is set.
Type: integer
Default: 60
- Note:
- for backwards compatibility, release 2.3 of the pftools package
will parse the version 2.2 style parameters, but these are
deprecated and the corresponding option (refer to the
options section) should be used instead.
- C=#
- Cut-off value.
Use option -C instead.
- W=#
- Output width.
Use option -W instead.
- (1)
- pfsearch -f -C 6.0 sh3.prf sh3.seq
- Searches the Pearson/Fasta-formatted protein sequence library
'sh3.seq' for SH3 domains with a cut-off value of 6.0 normalized
score units. The file 'sh3.seq' contains 20 SH3 domain-containing
protein sequences from SWISS-PROT release 32. The file
'sh3.prf' contains the PROSITE entry
- (2)
- pfsearch -bx ecp.prf CVPBR322 | psa2msa -du | readseq
-p -fMSF > ecp.msf
- Generates a multiple sequence alignment of potential E. coli
promoters on both strands of plasmid pBR322. The file 'ecp.prf'
contains a profile for E. coli promoters. The file
contains EMBL entry J01749|CVPBR322. The result file
'ecp.msf' can further be processed by GCG programs
accepting MSF files as input.
On successful completion of its task, pfsearch will return
an exit code of 0. If an error occurs, a diagnostic message will be output
on standard error and the exit code will be different from 0. When
conflicting options where passed to the program but the task could
nevertheless be completed, warnings will be issued on standard error.
The use of normalized scores as cut-off values can lead to a
different behaviour when compared to raw scores. This is due to the inherent
rounding inaccuracy of real numbers. The normalized scores used as cut-offs
should be rounded down in order to circumvent this problem.
pfscan(1), pfmake(1), psa2msa(1),
psa(5), xpsa(5)
The pftools package was developed by Philipp Bucher.
Any comments or suggestions should be addressed to