PDB2PQR30(1) User Commands PDB2PQR30(1)

pdb2pqr30 - manual page for pdb2pqr30 3.6.1+dfsg

usage: pdb2pqr [-h] [--ff {AMBER,CHARMM,PARSE,TYL06,PEOEPB,SWANSON}]

[--userff USERFF] [--clean] [--nodebump] [--noopt] [--keep-chain] [--assign-only] [--ffout {AMBER,CHARMM,PARSE,TYL06,PEOEPB,SWANSON}] [--usernames USERNAMES] [--apbs-input APBS_INPUT] [--pdb-output PDB_OUTPUT] [--ligand LIGAND] [--whitespace] [--neutraln] [--neutralc] [--drop-water] [--include-header] [--titration-state-method {propka}] [--with-ph PH] [-f FILENAMES] [-r REFERENCE] [-c CHAINS] [-i TITRATE_ONLY] [-t THERMOPHILES] [-a ALIGNMENT] [-m MUTATIONS] [-p PARAMETERS] [--log-level {DEBUG,INFO,WARNING,ERROR,CRITICAL}] [-o PH] [-w WINDOW WINDOW WINDOW] [-g GRID GRID GRID] [--mutator MUTATOR] [--mutator-option MUTATOR_OPTIONS] [-d] [-l] [-k] [-q] [--protonate-all] [--version] input_path output_pqr

PDB2PQR v3.6.1: biomolecular structure conversion software.

Input PDB path or ID (to be retrieved from RCSB database
Output PQR path

show this help message and exit
show program's version number and exit

One of the following options must be used
The forcefield to use. (default: PARSE)
The user-created forcefield file to use. Requires --usernames and overrides --ff (default: None)
Do no optimization, atom addition, or parameter assignment, just return the original PDB file in aligned format. Overrides --ff and --userff (default: False)

Do not perform the debumping operation (default: True)
Do not perform hydrogen optimization (default: True)
Keep the chain ID in the output PQR file (default: False)
Only assign charges and radii - do not add atoms, debump, or optimize. (default: False)
Instead of using the standard canonical naming scheme for residue and atom names, use the names from the given forcefield (default: None)
The user-created names file to use. Required if using --userff (default: None)
Create a template APBS input file based on the generated PQR file at the specified location. (default: None)
Create a PDB file based on input. This will be missing charges and radii (default: None)
Calculate the parameters for a single MOL2-format ligand at the path specified by this option. The MOL2 ligand name should match only one ligand in the PDB file. (default: None)
Insert whitespaces between atom name and residue name, between x and y, and between y and z. (default: False)
Make the N-terminus of a protein neutral (default is charged). Requires PARSE force field. (default: False)
Make the C-terminus of a protein neutral (default is charged). Requires PARSE force field. (default: False)
Drop waters before processing biomolecule. (default: False)
Include pdb header in pqr file. WARNING: The resulting PQR file will not work with APBS versions prior to 1.5 (default: False)

Options for titration calculations
Method used to calculate titration states. If a titration state method is selected, titratable residue charge states will be set by the pH value supplied by --with_ph (default: None)
pH values to use when applying the results of the selected pH calculation method. (default: 7.0)

read data from <filename>, i.e. <filename> is added to arguments (default: [])
setting which reference to use for stability calculations [neutral/low-pH] (default: neutral)
creating the protein with only a specified chain. Specify " " for chains without ID [all] (default: None)
Treat only the specified residues as titratable. Value should be a comma-separated list of "chain:resnum" values; for example: -i "A:10,A:11" (default: None)
defining a thermophile filename; usually used in 'alignment-mutations' (default: None)
alignment file connecting <filename> and <thermophile> [<thermophile>.pir] (default: None)
specifying mutation labels which is used to modify <filename> according to, e.g. N25R/N181D (default: None)
set the parameter file [{default:s}] (default: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/propka/propka.cfg)
logging level verbosity (default: INFO)
setting pH-value used in e.g. stability calculations [7.0] (default: 7.0)
setting the pH-window to show e.g. stability profiles [0.0, 14.0, 1.0] (default: (0.0, 14.0, 1.0))
setting the pH-grid to calculate e.g. stability related properties [0.0, 14.0, 0.1] (default: (0.0, 14.0, 0.1))
setting approach for mutating <filename> [alignment/scwrl/jackal] (default: None)
setting property for mutator [e.g. type="side-chain"] (default: None)
Displays alternative pKa values due to coupling of titratable groups (default: False)
Reuses the ligand mol2 files allowing the user to alter ligand bond orders (default: False)
Keep protons in input file (default: False)
suppress non-warning messages (default: None)
Protonate all atoms (will not influence pKa calculation) (default: False)
June 2023 pdb2pqr30 3.6.1+dfsg