OSPCAT(1) Reference OSPCAT(1)

ospcat - SGML print catalog

ospcat [-b name] [--bctf=name] [-C] [--catalogs] [-c sysid] [--catalog=sysid] [-f] [--error-file=file] [-D directory] [--directory=directory] [-R] [--restricted] [-v] [-h] [--help] [-P literal] [--public-id=literal] [-S literal] [--system_id=literal] [-p name] [--parameter-entity=name] [-d name] [--doctype=name] [-l name] [--linktype=name] [-e name] [--entity=name] [-n name] [--notation=name] [-s name] [--declaration=name]

ospcat prints effective system identifiers found in the catalogs on the standard output. It doesn't check that the system identifiers correspond to actual files. The return value is 0 if the last system identifier was successfully created and 1 otherwise.

The following options are available:

-b name, --bctf=name

Use bctf name for output.

-f file, --error-file=file

Append error messages to file file.

-v, --version

Display the program version.

-h, --help

Show this help text.

-c sysid, --catalog=sysid

Use catalog sysid.

-C, --catalogs

Arguments are catalogs, use DOCUMENT entry.

-D directory, --directory=directory

Search files in directory directory.

-R, --restricted

Restrict file reading (for use in Web apps).

-P literal, --public-id=literal

Print the effective system id for the public id literal.

-S literal, --system-id=literal

Print the effective system id for system id literal.

-p name, --parameter-entity=name

Print the effective system id for parameter entity name.

-d name, --doctype=name

Print the effective system id for the doctype name.

-l name, --linktype=name

Print the effective system id for the linktype name.

-e name, --entity=name

Print the effective system id for entity name.

-n name, --notation=name

Print the effective system id for notation name.

-s name, --declaration=name

Print the effective system id for the SGML declaration for doctype name.

onsgmls(1), ospam(1), osgmlnorm(1), ospent(1)

Ian Castle <ian.castle@openjade.org>


September 2003 OpenSP