Origami - command-line management tool for Folding @ Home
origami {install | archive | restore | erase | name | status |
monitor | proxy | start | stop | version | help} [<options>...]
origami {deploy | network-archive | network-restore | network-name
| network-monitor | network-name | network-start | network-stop}
origami help
origami version
Origami allows you to install, monitor, archive or restore Folding
@ Home data on your local machine. It also allows for central deployment,
monitoring, archiving, restoration and updating the username and team data
via the network to ssh-accessible machines.
Origami supports cron-based scheduling, 32bit or 64bit and network
proxy settings. Install Stanfords Folding @ Home client to a single machine
or network of machines.
The first argument which does not begin with a hyphen
("-") is considered to be an action that the program should
perform. If an action is not specified Origami will display the help
The following actions are available to the local machine:
- install
- Install Folding @ Home to the local machine. This action will create a
dedicated user, storage location for Folding @ Home data, startup script
and request a work unit.
- deploy
- Install Folding @ Home to remote machines as listed in the ~/.origamirc
file. This action will create a dedicated user, storage location for
Folding @ Home data, startup script and request a work unit on the remote
machine. SSH access as the root user is required for the deploy
- archive
- Archive Folding @ Home data for the local Folding @ Home client. This
action will stop the Folding @ Home client, archive the current progress
into a <hostname>-<date>.tar.bz2 format and store the data in
- network-archive
- Archive Folding @ Home data on the remote Folding @ Home client as listed
in the ~/.origamirc. This action will stop the Folding @ Home client,
archive the current progress into a <hostname>-<date>.tar.bz2
format and store the data in ~/.origami/.
- restore
- Restore Folding @ Home data on the local machine. This action will require
previously archived data (as generated by the archive action).
- network-restore
- Restore Folding @ Home data on the remote Folding @ Home clients as listed
in the ~/.origamirc. This action will require previously archived data (as
generated by the network-archive action).
- erase
- Erase current Folding @ Home installation. Anything generated by the
install function will be removed and all Folding @ Home progress will be
- name
- Update the username and team information for the local Folding @ Home
client. It is generally preferred to define username and team at
installation with the install action.
- network-name
- Update the username and team information for the remote Folding @ Home
clients. It is generally preferred to define username and team at
installation with the deploy action.
- status|monitor
- Display the current progress of the local Folding @ Home client.
- network-status|network-monitor
- Disploy the current progress of the remote Folding @ Home clients as
listed in the ~/.origamirc.
- proxy
- Update the proxy settings for the local Folding @ Home client. This action
requires a port and hostname. It is generally preferred to define the
proxy port and hostname at installation with the install action.
- start
- Start the local Folding @ Home client. (This calls /etc/init.d/origami
- network-start
- Start the remote Folding @ Home clients as listed in the
- stop
- Stop the local Folding @ Home client. (This calls /etc/init.d/origami
- network-stop
- Stop the remote Folding @ Home clients as listed in the ~/.origamirc.
- version
- Display the Origami version.
- help
- Display the Origami help output.
- -u|--user=value
- Define the USERNAME that Folding @ Home data should credit. Default is
- -t|--team=value
- Define the TEAM NUMBER that Folding @ Home data should credit. Default is
- -c|--cron=boolean
- Activate cron scheduling for the Folding @ Home client. Default is off
- -p|--proc=value
- Define i386 or amd64 Folding @ Home client. Default is i386.
- -P|--port=value
- Define the port to be used in conjunction with a proxy. Default is
- -H|--host=value
- Define the IP or hostname to be used in conjunction with a proxy. Default
is localhost.
- origami
- This example will install the Folding @ Home client to the local machine,
reporting data as the default Anonymous user and default 0 Team.
- origami install
-u Joe -t 45104
- This example will install the Folding @ Home client to the local machine,
reporting data as the Joe user as part of the 45104 (TeamUbuntu)
- origami deploy -u
Joe -t 45104
- This example will install the Folding @ Home client to all machines listed
in the ~/.origamirc file, reporting data as the Joe user as part of
the 45104 (TeamUbuntu) Team.
- origami install
-u Joe -t 45104 -p amd64 -c1
- This example will install the Folding @ home client to the local machine,
reporting data as the Joe user as part of the 45104 (TeamUbuntu)
Team, using the amd64 Folding @ Home client and toggling the cron option
to auto-stop between the hours of 8:00am and 5:00pm.
- origami
- This example will display the current status of the Folding @ Home clients
on all machines listed in the ~/.origamirc file.
To find a list of current bugs, or to report a bug new bug please
see https://bugs.launchpad.net/origami.
Origami was written by Christer Edwards
<christer.edwards@ubuntu.com>. This manual page was written by
Christer Edwards <christer.edwards@ubuntu.com>.
Both are released under the GNU General Public License, version 2
or later.