opennlp - CLI interface to Apache OpenNLP
[main] INFO - OpenNLP 2.3.2. [main] INFO - Usage: opennlp TOOL [main] INFO - where TOOL is one of:
- Doccat
- Learned document categorizer
- DoccatTrainer
- Trainer for the learnable document categorizer
- DoccatEvaluator
- Measures the performance of the Doccat model with the reference data
- DoccatCrossValidator
- K-fold cross validator for the learnable Document Categorizer
- DoccatConverter
- Converts 20newsgroup data format to native OpenNLP format
- LanguageDetector
- Learned language detector
- LanguageDetectorTrainer
- Trainer for the learnable language detector
- LanguageDetectorConverter
- Converts leipzig data format to native OpenNLP format
- LanguageDetectorCrossValidator
- K-fold cross validator for the learnable Language Detector
- LanguageDetectorEvaluator
- Measures the performance of the Language Detector model with the reference
- DictionaryBuilder
- Builds a new dictionary
- SimpleTokenizer
- Character class tokenizer
- TokenizerME
- Learnable tokenizer
- TokenizerTrainer
- Trainer for the learnable tokenizer
- TokenizerMEEvaluator
- Measures the performance of the learnable tokenizer
- TokenizerCrossValidator
- K-fold cross validator for the learnable tokenizer
- TokenizerConverter
- Converts external data formats
(irishsentencebank,ad,pos,masc,conllx,namefinder,parse,conllu) to native
OpenNLP format
- DictionaryDetokenizer
- Normalizes tokenized text according to rules defined in a detokenizer
- SentenceDetector
- Learnable sentence detector
- SentenceDetectorTrainer
- Trainer for the learnable sentence detector
- SentenceDetectorEvaluator
- Measures the performance of the learnable sentence detector
- SentenceDetectorCrossValidator
- K-fold cross validator for the learnable sentence detector
- SentenceDetectorConverter
- Converts external data formats
to native OpenNLP format
- TokenNameFinder
- Learnable name finder
- TokenNameFinderTrainer
- Trainer for the learnable name finder
- TokenNameFinderEvaluator
- Measures the performance of the NameFinder model with the reference
- TokenNameFinderCrossValidator
- K-fold cross validator for the learnable Name Finder
- TokenNameFinderConverter
- Converts external data formats
(evalita,ad,conll03,bionlp2004,conll02,masc,muc6,ontonotes,brat) to native
OpenNLP format
- CensusDictionaryCreator
- Converts 1990 US Census names into a dictionary
- POSTagger
- Learnable part of speech tagger
- POSTaggerTrainer
- Trains a model for the part-of-speech tagger
- POSTaggerEvaluator
- Measures the performance of the POS tagger model with the reference
- POSTaggerCrossValidator
- K-fold cross validator for the learnable POS tagger
- POSTaggerConverter
- Converts external data formats (ad,masc,conllx,parse,ontonotes,conllu) to
native OpenNLP format
- LemmatizerME
- Learnable lemmatizer
- LemmatizerTrainerME
- Trainer for the learnable lemmatizer
- LemmatizerEvaluator
- Measures the performance of the Lemmatizer model with the reference
- ChunkerME
- Learnable chunker
- ChunkerTrainerME
- Trainer for the learnable chunker
- ChunkerEvaluator
- Measures the performance of the Chunker model with the reference data
- ChunkerCrossValidator
- K-fold cross validator for the chunker
- ChunkerConverter
- Converts ad data format to native OpenNLP format
- Parser
- Performs full syntactic parsing
- ParserTrainer
- Trains the learnable parser
- ParserEvaluator
- Measures the performance of the Parser model with the reference data
- ParserConverter
- Converts external data formats (ontonotes,frenchtreebank) to native
OpenNLP format
- BuildModelUpdater
- Trains and updates the build model in a parser model
- CheckModelUpdater
- Trains and updates the check model in a parser model
- TaggerModelReplacer
- Replaces the tagger model in a parser model
- EntityLinker
- Links an entity to an external data set
- NGramLanguageModel
- Gives the probability and most probable next token(s) of a sequence of
tokens in a language model
[main] INFO - All tools print help when
invoked with help parameter [main] INFO - Example:
opennlp SimpleTokenizer help