openaptxdec - aptX decoder utility 0.2.0 (using libopenaptx 0.2.0)

aptX decoder utility 0.2.0 (using libopenaptx 0.2.0)

This utility decodes aptX or aptX HD audio stream from stdin to a raw 24 bit signed stereo on stdout

When input is damaged it tries to synchronize and recover

Non-zero return value indicates that input was damaged and some bytes from input aptX audio stream were dropped

openaptxdec [options]

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Decode from aptX HD

openaptxdec < sample.aptx > sample.s24le
openaptxdec --hd < sample.aptxhd > sample.s24le
openaptxdec < sample.aptx | play -t raw -r 44.1k -L -e s -b 24 -c 2 -
April 2024 Debian (help2man)