OPAM-CLEAN(1) | Opam Manual | OPAM-CLEAN(1) |
opam-clean - Cleans up opam caches
opam clean [OPTION]…
Cleans up opam caches, reclaiming some disk space. If no options are specified, the default is --logs --download-cache --switch-cleanup.
These options are common to all commands.
Opam makes use of the environment variables listed here. Boolean variables should be set to "0", "no", "false" or the empty string to disable, "1", "yes" or "true" to enable.
OPAMALLPARENS surround all filters with parenthesis.
OPAMASSUMEDEPEXTS see option `--assume-depexts'.
OPAMAUTOREMOVE see remove option `--auto-remove'.
OPAMBESTEFFORT see option `--best-effort'.
OPAMBESTEFFORTPREFIXCRITERIA sets the string that must be prepended to the criteria when the `--best-effort' option is set, and is expected to maximise the `opam-query' property in the solution.
OPAMBUILDDOC Removed in 2.1.
OPAMBUILDTEST Removed in 2.1.
OPAMCLI see option `--cli'.
OPAMCOLOR when set to always or never, sets a default value for the `--color' option.
OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL see option `--confirm-level`. OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL has priority over OPAMYES and OPAMNO.
OPAMCRITERIA specifies user preferences for dependency solving. The default value depends on the solver version, use `config report' to know the current setting. See also option --criteria.
OPAMCUDFFILE save the cudf graph to file-actions-explicit.dot.
OPAMCUDFTRIM controls the filtering of unrelated packages during CUDF preprocessing.
OPAMCURL can be used to select a given 'curl' program. See OPAMFETCH for more options.
OPAMDEBUG see options `--debug' and `--debug-level'.
OPAMDEBUGSECTIONS if set, limits debug messages to the space-separated list of sections. Sections can optionally have a specific debug level (for example, CLIENT:2 or CLIENT CUDF:2), but otherwise use `--debug-level'.
OPAMDIGDEPTH defines how aggressive the lookup for conflicts during CUDF preprocessing is.
OPAMDOWNLOADJOBS sets the maximum number of simultaneous downloads.
OPAMDROPWORKINGDIR overrides packages previously updated with --working-dir on update. Without this variable set, opam would keep them unchanged unless explicitly named on the command-line.
OPAMDRYRUN see option `--dry-run'.
OPAMEDITOR sets the editor to use for opam file editing, overrides $EDITOR and $VISUAL.
OPAMERRLOGLEN sets the number of log lines printed when a sub-process fails. 0 to print all.
OPAMEXTERNALSOLVER see option `--solver'.
OPAMFAKE see option `--fake'.
OPAMFETCH specifies how to download files: either `wget', `curl' or a custom command where variables %{url}%, %{out}%, %{retry}%, %{compress}% and %{checksum}% will be replaced. Overrides the 'download-command' value from the main config file.
OPAMIGNORECONSTRAINTS see install option `--ignore-constraints-on'.
OPAMIGNOREPINDEPENDS see option `--ignore-pin-depends'.
OPAMINPLACEBUILD see option `--inplace-build'.
OPAMJOBS sets the maximum number of parallel workers to run.
OPAMJSON log json output to the given file (use character `%' to index the files).
OPAMKEEPBUILDDIR see install option `--keep-build-dir'.
OPAMKEEPLOGS tells opam to not remove some temporary command logs and some backups. This skips some finalisers and may also help to get more reliable backtraces.
OPAMLOCKED combination of `--locked' and `--lock-suffix' options.
OPAMLOGS logdir sets log directory, default is a temporary directory in /tmp
OPAMMAKECMD set the system make command to use.
OPAMMERGEOUT merge process outputs, stderr on stdout.
OPAMNO answer no to any question asked, see options `--no` and `--confirm-level`. OPAMNO is ignored if either OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL or OPAMYES is set.
OPAMNOAGGREGATE with `opam admin check', don't aggregate packages.
OPAMNOAUTOUPGRADE disables automatic internal upgrade of repositories in an earlier format to the current one, on 'update' or 'init'.
OPAMNOCHECKSUMS enables option --no-checksums when available.
OPAMNODEPEXTS disables system dependencies handling, see option `--no-depexts'.
OPAMNOSELFUPGRADE see option `--no-self-upgrade'
OPAMPINKINDAUTO sets whether version control systems should be detected when pinning to a local path. Enabled by default since 1.3.0.
OPAMPRECISETRACKING fine grain tracking of directories.
OPAMPREPRO set this to false to disable CUDF preprocessing. Less efficient, but might help debugging solver issue.
OPAMREQUIRECHECKSUMS Enables option `--require-checksums' when available (e.g. for `opam install').
OPAMRETRIES sets the number of tries before failing downloads.
OPAMREUSEBUILDDIR see option `--reuse-build-dir'.
OPAMROOT see option `--root'. This is automatically set by `opam env --root=DIR --set-root'.
OPAMROOTISOK don't complain when running as root.
OPAMSAFE see option `--safe'.
OPAMSHOW see option `--show'.
OPAMSKIPUPDATE see option `--skip-updates'.
OPAMSKIPVERSIONCHECKS bypasses some version checks. Unsafe, for compatibility testing only.
OPAMSOLVERALLOWSUBOPTIMAL (default `true') allows some solvers to still return a solution when they reach timeout; while the solution remains assured to be consistent, there is no guarantee in this case that it fits the expected optimisation criteria. If `true', opam willcontinue with a warning, if `false' a timeout is an error. Currently only the builtin-z3 backend handles this degraded case.
OPAMSOLVERTIMEOUT change the time allowance of the solver. Default is 60.0, set to 0 for unlimited. Note that all solvers may not support this option.
OPAMSTATS display stats at the end of command.
OPAMSTATUSLINE display a dynamic status line showing what's currently going on on the terminal. (one of one of always, never or auto)
OPAMSTRICT fail on inconsistencies (file reading, switch import, etc.).
OPAMSWITCH see option `--switch'. Automatically set by `opam env --switch=SWITCH --set-switch'.
OPAMUNLOCKBASE see install option `--unlock-base'.
OPAMUPGRADECRITERIA specifies user preferences for dependency solving when performing an upgrade. Overrides OPAMCRITERIA in upgrades if both are set. See also option --criteria.
OPAMUSEINTERNALSOLVER see option `--use-internal-solver'.
OPAMUSEOPENSSL force openssl use for hash computing.
OPAMUTF8 use UTF8 characters in output (one of one of always, never or auto). By default `auto', which is determined from the locale).
OPAMUTF8MSGS use extended UTF8 characters (camels) in opam messages. Implies OPAMUTF8. This is set by default on OSX only.
OPAMVALIDATIONHOOK if set, uses the `%{hook%}' command to validate an opam repository update.
OPAMVERBOSE see option `--verbose'.
OPAMWITHDOC see install option `--with-doc'.
OPAMWITHTEST see install option `--with-test.
OPAMWORKINGDIR see option `--working-dir'.
OPAMYES see options `--yes' and `--confirm-level`. OPAMYES has has priority over OPAMNO and is ignored if OPAMCONFIRMLEVEL is set.
OPAMVAR_var overrides the contents of the variable var when substituting `%{var}%` strings in `opam` files.
OPAMVAR_package_var overrides the contents of the variable package:var when substituting `%{package:var}%` strings in `opam` files.
All scripts and programmatic invocations of opam should use `--cli' in order to ensure that they work seamlessly with future versions of the opam client. Additionally, blog posts or other documentation can benefit, as it prevents information from becoming stale.
Although opam only supports roots (~/.opam/) for the current version, it does provide backwards compatibility for its command-line interface.
Since CLI version support was only added in opam 2.1, use OPAMCLI to select 2.0 support (as opam 2.0 will just ignore it), and `--cli=2.1' for 2.1 (or later) versions, since an environment variable controlling the parsing of syntax is brittle. To this end, opam displays a warning if OPAMCLI specifies a valid version other than 2.0, and also if `--cli=2.0' is specified.
The command-line version is selected by using the `--cli' option or the OPAMCLI environment variable. `--cli' may be specified morethan once, where the last instance takes precedence. OPAMCLI is only inspected if `--cli' is not given.
As an exception to the following, the `exec' command returns 127 if the command was not found or couldn't be executed, and the command's exit value otherwise.
See https://opam.ocaml.org/doc.
Vincent Bernardoff <vb@luminar.eu.org>
Raja Boujbel <raja.boujbel@ocamlpro.com>
Roberto Di Cosmo <roberto@dicosmo.org>
Thomas Gazagnaire <thomas@gazagnaire.org>
Louis Gesbert <louis.gesbert@ocamlpro.com>
Fabrice Le Fessant <Fabrice.Le_fessant@inria.fr>
Anil Madhavapeddy <anil@recoil.org>
Guillem Rieu <guillem.rieu@ocamlpro.com>
Ralf Treinen <ralf.treinen@pps.jussieu.fr>
Frederic Tuong <tuong@users.gforge.inria.fr>
Check bug reports at https://github.com/ocaml/opam/issues.
Opam 2.1.5 |