opainfo(1) IFSFFCLIRG (Man Page) opainfo(1)


Provides summary information for local HFI port(s).

opainfo [-h hfi] [-p port] [-o type] [-g] [-d detail] [-s pm_sl]
[-v [-v]...]

Produces full help text.

Specifies the HFI, numbered 1..n. Using 0 specifies that the -p port port is a system-wide port number. Default is 0.

Specifies the port, numbered 1 to n. Using 0 specifies the first active port across all HFIs/ports. Default is 1 which indicates all ports. If selected, the tool returns information on all available ports if p is not defined.

Specifies the output type and can appear more than once.

NOTE: Behavior without -o gives a brief summary of portinfo, counters and cableinfo.

info Outputs detailed portinfo.

stats Outputs detailed port counters.

Output is displayed in line-by-line format. Default is summary format.

Output detail level. Range is 0 - 2. CableInfo only. Default is 0.

NOTE: -d option is ignored when used with -o type.

0 Minimal crucial information (for example, cable length, vendor)

1 Brief summary

2 Extended brief summary

Specifies different Service Level for PMA traffic.

First active port in system (Default).

First active port in system.

First active port on HFI x.

First active port on HFI x.

Port y within system (no matter which ports are active).

HFI x, port y.

Specifies the verbose output. Additional invocations (-v -v ...) turn on debugging, openib debugging, and libibumad debugging.


hfi1_0:1 PortGID:0xfe80000000000000:001175010165b19c

PortState: Active

LinkSpeed Act: 25Gb En: 25Gb

LinkWidth Act: 4 En: 4

LinkWidthDnGrd ActTx: 4 Rx: 4 En: 3,4

LCRC Act: 14-bit En: 14-bit,16-bit,48-bit Mgmt: True

LID: 0x00000001-0x00000001 SM LID: 0x00000002 SL: 0

QSFP: PassiveCu, 1m FCI Electronics P/N 10131941-2010LF Rev 5

Xmit Data: 22581581 MB Pkts: 5100825193

Recv Data: 18725619 MB Pkts: 4024569756

Link Quality: 5 (Excellent)

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