NTHASH(1) User Commands NTHASH(1)

nthash - Recursive hash function for hashing all possible k-mers in a DNA/RNA sequence

ntHash -k VAR -o VAR [-f VAR] [-h] [-s VAR] [--long] [--binary] [--verbose] files

Unknown argument: --help

Input sequence files [nargs: 0 or more] [required]

-v, --version prints version information and exits

k-mer size [required]
Output file (for -f collect) or directory path [required]
Output file organization (store hashes for each 'file', 'record', or 'collect' all hashes into a single file [default: "file"]
Number of hashes per k-mer/seed [default: 1]
Input spaced seed patterns separated by commas (e.g. 1110111,11011011). Performs k-mer hashing if no value provided.
Optimize file reader for long sequences (>5kbp)
Output hashes in binary files (otherwise plain text)
Print progress to stdout

This manpage was written by Nilesh Patra for the Debian distribution and
can be used for any other usage of the program.

October 2022 nthash 2.3.0