NPM-LINK(1) General Commands Manual NPM-LINK(1)



This is handy for installing your own stuff, so that you can work on it and
test iteratively without having to continually rebuild.

Package linking is a two-step process.

First, npm link in a package folder with no arguments will create a
symlink in the global folder {prefix}/lib/node_modules/<package> that
links to the package where the npm link command was executed. It will
also link any bins in the package to {prefix}/bin/{name}. Note that
npm link uses the global prefix (see npm prefix -g for its value).

Next, in some other location, npm link package-name will create a
symbolic link from globally-installed package-name to node_modules/ of
the current folder.

Note that package-name is taken from package.json, not from the
directory name.

The package name can be optionally prefixed with a scope. See
scope. The scope must be preceded by an @-symbol and
followed by a slash.

When creating tarballs for npm publish, the linked packages are
"snapshotted" to their current state by resolving the symbolic links, if
they are included in bundleDependencies.

For example:

cd ~/projects/node-redis    # go into the package directory
npm link                    # creates global link
cd ~/projects/node-bloggy   # go into some other package directory.
npm link redis              # link-install the package

Now, any changes to ~/projects/node-redis will be reflected in
~/projects/node-bloggy/node_modules/node-redis/. Note that the link
should be to the package name, not the directory name for that package.

You may also shortcut the two steps in one. For example, to do the
above use-case in a shorter way:

cd ~/projects/node-bloggy  # go into the dir of your main project
npm link ../node-redis     # link the dir of your dependency

The second line is the equivalent of doing:

(cd ../node-redis; npm link)
npm link redis

That is, it first creates a global link, and then links the global
installation target into your project's node_modules folder.

Note that in this case, you are referring to the directory name,
node-redis, rather than the package name redis.

If your linked package is scoped (see scope) your
link command must include that scope, e.g.

npm link @myorg/privatepackage

Note that package dependencies linked in this way are not saved to
package.json by default, on the assumption that the intention is to have
a link stand in for a regular non-link dependency. Otherwise, for example,
if you depend on redis@^3.0.1, and ran npm link redis, it would replace
the ^3.0.1 dependency with file:../path/to/node-redis, which you
probably don't want! Additionally, other users or developers on your
project would run into issues if they do not have their folders set up
exactly the same as yours.

If you are adding a new dependency as a link, you should add it to the
relevant metadata by running npm install <dep> --package-lock-only.

If you want to save the file: reference in your package.json and
package-lock.json files, you can use npm link <dep> --save to do so.

npm link <pkg> --workspace <name> will link the relevant package as a
dependency of the specified workspace(s). Note that It may actually be
linked into the parent project's node_modules folder, if there are no
conflicting dependencies.

npm link --workspace <name> will create a global link to the specified


  • package spec
  • npm developers
  • package.json
  • npm install
  • npm folders
  • npm config
  • npmrc

November 2023 9.2.0