nom - command line tool that helps you lose weight
- status
- Display a short food log
- w, weight <weight>
- Report a weight measurement
- s, search <term>
- Search for a food item in the web
- n, nom <description>
- Report that you ate something
- y, yesterday <desc.>
- Like nom, but for yesterday
- p, plot
- Plot a weight/intake graph
- l, log
- Display the full food log
- g, grep <term>
- Search in the food log
- e, edit
- Edit the input file
- ew, editw
- Edit the weight file
- c, config
- Edit the config file (see below for options)
- help
- Print this help
- (no arguments)
- status
- <number>
- weight <number>
- <term>
- search <term>
- <term> <number>
- nom <term> <number>
- rate
- How much weight you want to lose per week (default: '0.5')
- goal
- Your target weight
- image_viewer
- Your preferred svg viewer, for example 'eog -f', 'firefox',
'chromium' (default: 'xdg-open')
- unit
- Your desired base unit in kcal (default: '1')
- start_date
- The first day that should be considered by nom [yyyy-mm-dd]
- balance_start
- The day from which on nom should keep track of a energy balance
- balance_factor
- How many money units you'll have to pay per energy unit (default: