nodeunit -- simple node.js unit testing tool

nodeunit [options] <file-or-directory> [<file-or-directory> ...]

Nodeunit is a simple unit testing tool based on the node.js assert module.

--config FILE:
Load config options from a JSON file, allows the customisation
of color schemes for the default test reporter etc.
See bin/nodeunit.json for current available options.

--reporter FILE:
You can set the test reporter to a custom module or on of the modules
in nodeunit/lib/reporters, when omitted, the default test runner is used.

List available build-in reporters.

-h, --help:
Display the help and exit.

-v, --version:
Output version information and exit.

You can run nodeunit on specific files or on all *.js files inside
a directory.

Written by Caolan McMahon and other nodeunit contributors.
Contributors list:

Report nodeunit bugs to

Copyright © 2010 Caolan McMahon.
Nodeunit has been released under the MIT license:


October 2010