NODEENV(1) User Commands NODEENV(1)

nodeenv - nodeenv


show program's version number and exit
show this help message and exit
The node.js version to use, e.g., --node=0.4.3 will use the node-v0.4.3 to create the new environment. The default is last stable version (`latest`). Use `system` to use system-wide node.
Use iojs instead of nodejs.
Sets number of parallel commands at node.js compilation. The default is 2 jobs.
Sets maximum load average for executing parallel commands at node.js compilation.
Verbose mode
Quiet mode
Load a different file than '~/.nodeenvrc'. Pass an empty string for no config (use built-in defaults).
Install all the packages listed in the given requirements file.
Provides an alternative prompt prefix for this environment
Lists available node.js versions
Install npm packages from file without node
Build node.js without SSL support
Build debug variant of the node.js
Enable profiling for node.js
Build without installing npm into the new virtual environment. Required for node.js < 0.6.3. By default, the npm included with node.js is used.
The npm version to use, e.g., --npm=0.3.18 will use the npm-0.3.18.tgz tarball to install. The default is last available version (`latest`).
Skip the npm 0.x cleanup. Cleanup is enabled by default.
Use current python virtualenv
Remove "src" directory after installation
Force installation in a pre-existing directory
Path to make command
Install node.js from prebuilt package

nodeenv was primarily written by Eugene Kalinin.

Documentation for nodeenv is available online at

July 2015 nodeenv 0.13.2