nik4(1) nik4(1)

nik4 - Tile-aware Mapnik image renderer

[-h] [--version] [-z ZOOM] [-p PPI] [--factor FACTOR] [-s SCALE] [-b Xmin Ymin Xmax Ymax] [-a PAPER] [-d W H] [-x W H] [--norotate] [-m MARGIN] [-c X Y] [--fit FIT] [--padding PADDING] [--layers LAYERS] [--add-layers ADD_LAYERS] [--hide-layers HIDE_LAYERS] [--url URL] [--ozi OZI] [--wld WLD] [-t {1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12}] [--just-tiles] [-v] [-f FMT] [--base BASE] [--vars [VARS [VARS ...]]] [--fonts [FONTS [FONTS ...]]] style output

nik4 is a Python script to generate images with Mapnik.

Positional arguments:

Style file for Mapnik
Resulting image file

Optional arguments:

Show usage information and exit
Show program's version number and exit
Target zoom level
Pixels per inch (alternative to scale)
Scale factor (affects ppi, default=1)
Scale as in 1:100000 (specifying ppi is recommended)
Bounding box
Paper format: -a +4 for landscape A4, -a -4 for portrait A4, -a letter for autorotated US Letter
Target dimensions in mm (one 0 allowed)
Target dimensions in pixels (one 0 allowed)
Do not swap width and height for bbox
Amount in mm to reduce paper size
Center of an image
Fit layers in the map, comma-separated
Margin for layers in --fit (default=5), mm
Map layers to render, comma-separated
Map layers to include, comma-separated
Map layers to hide, comma-separated
URL of a map to center on
Generate ozi map file
Generate world file
Write N×N tiles, then join using ImageMagick
Do not join tiles, instead write ozi/wld file for each
Display calculated values
Target file format (by default looks at extension)
Base path for style file, in case it's piped to STDIN
List of variables (name=value) to substitute in style file (use ${name:default})
List of full path to directories containing fonts
01 December 2022