NFSTEST(1) | NFStest | NFSTEST(1) |
NFStest - NFS Test Suite
Provides a set of tools for testing either the NFS client or the NFS server, included tests focused mainly on testing the client. These tools include the following:.SS Test utilities package (nfstest) Provides a set of tools for testing either the NFS client or the NFS server, most of the functionality is focused mainly on testing the client. These tools include the following:
- Process command line arguments
- Provide functionality for PASS/FAIL
- Provide test grouping functionality
- Provide multiple client support
- Logging mechanism
- Debug info control
- Mount/Unmount control
- Create files/directories
- Provide mechanism to start a packet trace
- Provide mechanism to simulate a network partition
- Support for pNFS testing
Testing NFS has mostly been done using test tools like connectathon test suite, filebench, iozone and others. But mostly using the connectathon test suite. These are good tools for testing, but they are outdated and they also cannot be used for testing pNFS thoroughly.
For example, you can run the connectathon test suite on pNFS, it runs, it passes all the tests -- but how can we make sure that pNFS worked properly. How can we verify that a layout is granted, but not only that a layout is granted, what type of layout was granted (read, rw). Did the client sent IO to the data servers or to the metadata server.
The Packet trace module takes a trace file created by tcpdump and unpacks the contents of each packet. You can decode one packet at a time, or do a search for specific packets. The main difference between this modules and other tools used to decode trace files is that you can use this module to completely automate your tests.
How does it work? It opens the trace file and reads one record at a time keeping track where each record starts. This way, very large trace files can be opened without having to wait for the file to load and avoid loading the whole file into memory.
Packet layers supported:
- IP layer (supports IPv4 and IPv6)
- TCP layer
- UDP layer
- RPC layer
- NFS v4.0
- NFS v4.1 including pNFS file layouts
- NFS v4.2
- MOUNT v3
- NLM v4
In order to run the included tests, the user id in all the client hosts must have access to run commands as root using the 'sudo' command without the need for a password, this includes the host where the test is being executed. This is used to run commands like 'mount' and 'umount'. Furthermore, the user id must be able to ssh to remote hosts without the need for a password if test requires the use of multiple clients.
Network partition is simulated by the use of 'iptables', please be advised that after every test is run the iptables is flushed and reset so any rules previously setup will be lost. Currently, there is no mechanism to restore the iptables rules to their original state.
Verify correct functionality of space reservations so applications are able to reserve or unreserve space for a file. The system call fallocate is used to manipulate the allocated disk space for a file, either to preallocate or deallocate it. For filesystems which support the fallocate system call, preallocation is done quickly by allocating blocks and marking them as uninitialized, requiring no I/O to the data blocks. This is much faster than creating a file and filling it with zeros. Basic allocate tests verify the disk space is actually preallocated or reserved for the given range by filling up the device after the allocation and make sure data can be written to the allocated range without any problems. Also, any data written outside the allocated range will fail with NFS4ERR_NOSPC when there is no more space left on the device. On the other hand, deallocating space will give the disk space back so it can be used by either the same file on regions not already preallocated or by different files without the risk of getting a no space error. Valid for NFSv4.2 and beyond
Verify consistency of attribute caching by varying acregmin, acregmax, acdirmin, acdirmax and actimo. Verify consistency of data caching by varying acregmin, acregmax, acdirmin, acdirmax and actimo. Valid for any version of NFS
Basic delegation tests verify that a correct delegation is granted when opening a file for reading or writing. Also, another OPEN should not be sent for the same file when the client is holding a delegation. Verify that the stateid of all I/O operations should be the delegation stateid. Reads from a different process on the same file should not cause the client to send additional READ packets when the client is holding a read delegation. Furthermore, a LOCK packet should not be sent to the server when the client is holding a delegation. Recall delegation tests verify the delegation is recalled when a conflicting operation is sent to the server from a different client. Conflicting operations are reading, writing and changing the permissions on the same file. Note, that reading a file from a different client can only recall a read delegation. Also, verify that a delegation is not recalled when a different client is granted a read delegation. After a delegation is recalled, the client should send an OPEN with CLAIM_DELEGATE_CUR before returning the delegation and the stateid should be the same as the original OPEN stateid. Also, a delegation should not be granted when re-opening the file right before returning the delegation. Verify client flushes all written data before returning the WRITE delegation. The LOCK should be sent as well right before returning a delegation which has been recalled. A delegation should not be granted on the second client who cause the delegation recall on the first client. Valid for any version of NFS granting delegations
Functional direct I/O tests verify that every READ/WRITE is sent to the server instead of the client caching the requests. Client bypasses read ahead by sending the READ with only the requested bytes. Verify the client correctly handles eof marker when reading the whole file. Verify client ignores delegation while writing a file. Direct I/O on pNFS tests verify the client sends the READ/WRITE to the correct DS or the MDS if using a PAGESIZE aligned buffer or not, respectively. Direct I/O data correctness tests verify that a file written with buffered I/O is read correctly with direct I/O. Verify that a file written with direct I/O is read correctly with buffered I/O. Vectored I/O tests verify coalescence of multiple vectors into one READ/WRITE packet when all vectors are PAGESIZE aligned. Vectors with different alignments are sent on separate packets. Valid for NFSv4.0 and NFSv4.1 including pNFS
Basic interoperability tests verify that a file written with different versions of NFS is written correctly. The contents of the file are verified by reading the file back using one of the NFS versions. The tests append different data from different versions of NFS one at a time then reads the contents of the file to verify it was written correctly. This is done twice for each test.
Basic locking tests verify that a lock is granted using various arguments to fcntl. These include blocking and non-blocking locks, read or write locks, where the file is opened either for reading, writing or both. It also checks different ranges including limit conditions. Non-overlapping tests verity that locks are granted on both the client under test and a second process or a remote client when locking the same file. Overlapping tests verity that a lock is granted on the client under test and a second process or a remote client trying to lock the same file will be denied if a non-blocking lock is issue or will be blocked if a blocking lock is issue on the second process or remote client. Valid for any version of NFS
Verify basic pNFS functionality for file (both READ and WRITE), including opening a second file within the same mount and having a lock on the file. Also, verify basic pNFS functionality for a file opened for both READ and WRITE while reading the file first and then writing to it or the other way around by writing to the file fist and then reading the file. These tests verify proper functionality of pNFS and NFSv4.1 as well: - Verify EXCHANGE_ID is sent to MDS - Verify CREATE_SESSION is sent to MDS - Verify LAYOUTGET is sent to MDS (check layout type, iomode, layout range) - Verify GETDEVICEINFO is sent to MDS - Verify EXCHANGE_ID is sent to the correct DS - Verify CREATE_SESSION is sent to DS - Verify READ/WRITE is sent to DS (check correct stateid, correct offset and size) - Verify no GETATTR is sent to DS Only valid using NFSv4.1 with pNFS enabled and file layout type
Verify POSIX file system level access over the specified path using positive and negative testing. Valid for any version of NFS
Verify correct functionality of sparse files. These are files which have unallocated or uninitialized data blocks as holes. The new NFSv4.2 operation SEEK is used to search for the next hole or data segment in a file. Basic tests verify the SEEK operation returns the correct offset of the next hole or data with respect to the starting offset given to the seek system call. Verify the SEEK operation is sent to the server with the correct stateid as a READ call. All files have a virtual hole at the end of the file so when searching for the next hole, even if the file does not have a hole, it returns the size of the file. Valid for NFSv4.2 and beyond
Verify correct functionality of server side copy Copying a file via NFS the client reads the data from the source file and then writes the same data to the destination file which is located in the same server or it could be located in a different server. Either way the file data is transferred twice, once for reading and the second for writing. Server side copy allows unnecessary network traffic to be eliminated. The intra-server copy allows the client to request the server to perform the copy internally thus avoiding any data being sent through the network at all. In the case for the inter-server copy where the destination server is different from the source server, the client authorizes both servers to interact directly with one another. Basic server side copy tests verify the actual file range from the source file(s) are copied correctly to the destination file(s). Most tests deal with a single source and destination file while verifying the data is copied correctly. Also it verifies the data is copied starting from the correct source offset and it is copied to the correct offset on the destination file. Other tests deal with multiple files: copying multiple source files to a single destination file, a single source file to multiple destination files, or N number of source files to M number of destination files.
This I/O tool is used to create and manipulate files of different types. The arguments allow running for a specified period of time as well as running multiple processes. Each process modifies a single file at a time and the file name space is different for each process so there are no collisions between two different processes modifying the same file.
Decode and display all packets in the packet trace file(s) given. The match option gives the ability to search for specific packets within the packet trace file. Other options allow displaying of their corresponding call or reply when only one or the other is matched. Only a range of packets can be displayed if the start and/or end options are used.
Display all NFS packets for the specified path. It takes a relative path, where it searches for each of the directory entries given in the path until it gets the file handle for the directory where the file is located. Once the directory file handle is found, a LOOKUP or OPEN/CREATE is searched for the given file name. If the file lookup or creation is found, all file handles and state ids associated with that file are searched and all packets found, including their respective replies are displayed.
Search all the packet traces given for XID inconsistencies. Verify all operations in the NFSv4.x COMPOUND reply are the same as the operations given in the call. Valid for packet traces with NFSv4 and above
1. Install package using one of the following methods:
a. Install the rpm as root:
# rpm -i NFStest-2.1-1.noarch.rpm
All manual pages are available
$ man nfstest
Run tests:
$ nfstest_pnfs --help
b. Untar the tarball:
Get the latest tarball from
$ tar -zxvf NFStest-2.1.tar.gz
The tests can run without installation, just set the python path
environment variable:
$ cd NFStest-2.1
$ cd test
$ ./nfstest_pnfs --help
Or install to standard python site-packages and executable directories:
$ cd ~/NFStest-2.1
$ sudo python install
All manual pages are available
$ man nfstest
Run tests:
$ nfstest_pnfs --help
c. Clone the git repository:
$ cd ~
$ git clone git://
The tests can run without installation, just set the python path
environment variable:
$ cd nfstest
$ cd test
$ ./nfstest_pnfs --help
Or install to standard python site-packages and executable directories:
$ cd ~/nfstest
$ sudo python install
All manual pages are available
$ man nfstest
Run tests:
$ nfstest_pnfs --help
2. Make sure user running the tests can run commands using 'sudo'
the need for a password.
3. Make sure user running the tests can run commands remotely
using 'ssh'
without the need for a password. This is only needed for tests which
require multiple clients.
4. Create the mount point specified by the --mtpoint (default:
/mnt/t) option
on all the clients.
$ sudo mkdir /mnt/t
$ sudo chmod 777 /mnt/t
The only required option is --server
$ nfstest_pnfs --server
Required options are --server and --client
$ nfstest_cache --server --client
Testing with different values of --acmin and --acmax (this takes a
long time)
$ nfstest_cache --server --client --acmin 10,20
--acmax 20,30,60,80
The only required option is --server but only the basic delegation
tests will be run. In order to run the recall tests the --client option must
be used
$ nfstest_delegation --server --client
The only required option is --server
$ nfstest_dio --server
The only required option is --server
$ nfstest_interop --server
The only required option is --server but use the --client option
to run the conflicting lock tests
$ nfstest_lock --server --client
The only required option is --server
$ nfstest_posix --server
The only required option is --server
$ nfstest_alloc --server
The only required option is --server
$ nfstest_sparse --server
The only required option is --server (run all intra-server side
copy tests)
$ nfstest_ssc --server
Run all tests (intra & inter)
$ nfstest_ssc --server --dst-server
The only required option is --datadir (-d)
$ nfstest_io -d /mnt/t/data -v all -n 10 -r 3600
Display all the NFS packets in the trace file
$ nfstest_pkt /tmp/trace.cap
Display all packets for the file name given The only required
option is --path (-p)
$ nfstest_file -p f00000001 /tmp/trace.cap
Search the packet trace for XID inconsistencies
$ nfstest_xid /tmp/trace.cap
$ nfstest_posix --server --verbose all
$ nfstest_posix --server --verbose 0x0F
Run only the access, chdir, creat and fcntl tests
$ nfstest_posix --server --runtest
Run all the tests except for open and chmod
$ nfstest_posix --server --runtest ^open,chmod
$ nfstest_posix --server
*** Verify POSIX API access() on NFSv4
PASS: access - file access allowed with mode F_OK
PASS: access - file access not allowed with mode F_OK for a non-existent
PASS: access - file access allowed with mode R_OK for file with
permissions 0777
PASS: access - file access allowed with mode W_OK for file with
permissions 0777
PASS: access - file access allowed with mode X_OK for file with
permissions 0777
$ nfstest_posix --server --tverbose group
PASS: Verify POSIX API access() on NFSv4 (58 passed, 0 failed)
nfstest_alloc(1), nfstest_cache(1), nfstest_delegation(1), nfstest_dio(1), nfstest_fcmp(1), nfstest_file(1), nfstest_interop(1), nfstest_io(1), nfstest_lock(1), nfstest_pkt(1), nfstest_pnfs(1), nfstest_posix(1), nfstest_rdma(1), nfstest_sparse(1), nfstest_ssc(1), nfstest_xattr(1), nfstest_xid(1)
No known bugs.
Jorge Mora (
21 March 2023 | NFStest 3.2 |