NETWOX(1) | General Commands Manual | NETWOX(1) |
netwox - examples/tools of the network library netwib
The version installed on this system is 5.39.0.
Manpage do not contain a lot of information. Rather read netwox-5.39.0-doc_html.tgz.
netwox number [ parameters... ]
netwox number --help
netwox number --help2
Toolbox netwox helps to find and solve network problems.
It provides 223 tools :
- udp/tcp clients/servers
- spoofing
- sniffing
- address conversion
- etc.
Netwox is mainly oriented towards network administrators and security auditors.
Some tools are only a simplified implementation, while others are very sophisticated.
Netwox is available under the GNU GPL license.
When using netwox without number and parameters, it enters interactive help mode. In this mode, the user has to select a category by pressing a key. Then by choosing a tool number, its corresponding usage is displayed. Note: netwag is easier than interactive help mode.
All the tools are not described in this manpage. Reading netwox-5.39.0-doc_html.tgz is recommended.
netwib(3) netwag(1)
08/07/2012 |