needle-ibf - Constructs the Needle index.

Please provide at least one sequence file OR provide one file containing all sequence files with the extension '.lst'. Default: [].

Prints the help page.
Prints the help page including advanced options.
Prints the version information.
Prints the copyright/license information.
Export the help page information. Value must be one of [html, man].
Define k-mer size for the minimisers. Default: 20. Default: 20.
Define window size for the minimisers. Default: 60. Default: 0.
Define a shape for the minimisers by the decimal of a bitvector, where 0 symbolizes a position to be ignored, 1 a position considered. Default: ungapped. Default: 0.
Define seed for the minimisers. Default: 0.
Directory, where output files should be saved. Default: "./".
Number of threads to use. Default: 1. Default: 1.
If c is set, the IBFS are compressed. Default: Not compressed.
List of bin false positive rate per expression level. If only one is given, then that fpr is used for all expression levels. Default: [].
Which expression thresholds should be used for constructing the IBFs. Default: [].
Number of expression thresholds. Can be set alternatively to expression_thresholds, then the expression thresholds are determined automatically. Default: 0.
Number of hash functions that should be used when constructing one IBF. Default: 1.
Sequence file containing minimizers, only those minimizers will be considered. Default: "".
Sequence file containing minimizers that should not be stored. Default: "".
Define which samples belong together, sum has to be equal to number of sequence files. Default: Every sequence file is one sample from one experiment. Default: [].
If set, experiments are paired. Default: Not paired.
Define for each sample, what number of found minimisers should be considered the result of a sequencing error and therefore be ignored. Default: Every sample has anautomatically generated cutoff, which is based on the file size. Default: [].
If set, names of the experiments are stored in a txt file. Default: 0.
Sequence file containing minimizers, only those minimizers will be considered for determining the expression thresholds. Default: "".
If ram is set and multiple threads are used, the multithreading is more RAM friendly at the cost of being slower.

Last update:
needle-ibf version:
SeqAn version: 3.3.0
