nauty-amtog - read graphs in matrix format

amtog [-n#sgzhq] [-o#] [infile [outfile]]

Read graphs in matrix format.
Set the initial graph order to # (no default). This can be overridden in the input.
Write the output in graph6 format (default).
Write the output in sparse6 format.
Write the output in digraph6 format.
Write a header (according to -g or -s).
Don't warn about loops (which are suppressed for -g)
Suppress auxiliary information.
Treat digit # as 1 and other digits as 0.
Input consists of a sequence of commands restricted to:
set number of vertices (no default) The = is optional.
Matrix to follow An 'm' is also assumed if a digit is encountered.
Complement of matrix to follow (as m)
Upper triangle of matrix to follow, row by row
excluding the diagonal.
Complement of upper trangle to follow (as t)
Upper triangle of matrix to follow, row by row
excluding the diagonal; lower triangle is complement.
exit (optional)
April 2024 nauty 2.8.8