MYTHUTIL(1) User Commands MYTHUTIL(1)

mythutil - MythTV Utility helper

mythutil version: fixes/34 [v34.0+fixes.20240210.e3e165a1-0ubuntu6]

MythUtil is a command line utility application for MythTV.

Misc. Options:

Override a single setting defined by a key=value pair.
Define a file of key=value pairs to be loaded for setting overrides.
Display this help printout, or give detailed information of selected option.
Display version information.

Metadata Reading/Writing Options:

Decode a track to determine its exact length
ID of track to update
Extract an embedded image from a tracks tag and cache it in the AlbumArt storage group
Type of image to extract (front, back, cd, inlay, unknown)
ID of track to update
Search for some lyrics for a track
ID of track to update
(optional) Artist of track
(optional) Album of track
(optional) Title of track
(optional) Name of grabber to use or 'ALL' to try all available grabbers
Update a music tracks database record and tag with new metadata
(optional) Album of track
(optional) Artist of track
(optional) Genre of track
(optional) Last played of track
(optional) Playcount of track
(optional) Rating of track
ID of track to update
(optional) Title of track
(optional) Track No. of track
(optional) Year of track

Recording Utils Options:

Check all recording exist and have a seektable etc.
(optional) fix the seektable if missing for a recording

Recording Markup Options:

Clear all bookmarks.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Clear the cutlist.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Clear the seek table.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Clear the commercial skip list.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Copy the commercial skip list to the cutlist.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Display the current cutlist.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Write markup data to the specified local file.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Display the current commercial skip list.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Set a new cutlist in the form: #-#[,#-#]... (ie, 1-100,1520-3012,4091-5094)
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Read markup data from the specified local file, and use it to set the markup for the recording or video.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.
Set a new commercial skip list in the form: #-#[,#-#]... (ie, 1-100,1520-3012,4091-5094)
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.
Specify path name of Video Gallery video to operate on.

Backend Options:

Trigger a cache clear on all connected MythTV systems.
Send a backend event test message.
Trigger a run of the recording scheduler on the existing master backend.
Trigger a rescan of media content in MythVideo.
Send a backend SYSTEM_EVENT test message.

EIT Utils Options:

Clear guide received from EIT.
(optional) specify sourceid of video source to operate on instead of all

File Options:

Copy a MythTV Storage Group file using RingBuffers
Input file URI
Output file URI
Download a file using MythDownloadManager
Input file URI
Output file URI

Logging Options:

Set the logging level. All log messages at lower levels will be discarded. In descending order: emerg, alert, crit, err, warning, notice, info, debug defaults to info
Writes logging messages to a file in the directory logpath with filenames in the format: This is typically used in combination with --daemon, and if used in combination with --pidfile, this can be used with log rotators, using the HUP call to inform MythTV to reload the file
Don't log to the console (-q). Don't log anywhere (-q -q)
Set the syslog logging facility. Set to "none" to disable, defaults to none.
Use systemd-journal instead of syslog.
Specify log filtering. Use '-v help' for level info.

Messaging Options:

Display a message on a frontend
(optional) IP address to send to
(optional) message to send
(optional) notification duration
(optional) UDP Port to send to
Display a notification on a frontend
(optional) IP address to send to
(optional) notification description text
(optional) set notification to be displayed as an error
(optional) notification extra text
(optional) display notification in full screen mode
(optional) Path to image to send to (http://, myth://)
(optional) message to send
(optional) notification origin text
(optional) progress value (must be between 0 and 1)
(optional) notification progress text
(optional) notification duration
(optional) type of notification (normal, error, warning, check, busy
(optional) UDP Port to send to
(optional) bitmask indicating where to show the notification
Print the template to be sent to the frontend
Print the template to be sent to the frontend

MPEG-TS Options:

Count pids in a MythTV Storage Group file
Input file URI
TS Packet Size
Filter pids in a MythTV Storage Group file
Input file URI
Output file URI
TS Packet Size
Pids to process
Print PSIP pids in a MythTV Storage Group file
Input file URI
Output file URI
Disables PTS discovery
Pids to process
Enables XML output of PSIP
Pids to extract PTS from

JobQueue Options:

Insert a new job into the JobQueue.
Specify chanid of recording to operate on.
Specify start time of recording to operate on.

Music Scanning Options:

Scan the 'Music' Storage Group for music files
Ignore file timestamps
Downloads an updated radio stream list from the MythTV server
April 2024 mythutil 34.0+fixes.20240210.e3e165a1-0ubuntu6