mstprivhost - privilege modification tool

usage: mstprivhost [-h] [-v] --device DEVICE [--disable_rshim]

[--disable_tracer] [--disable_counter_rd] [--disable_port_owner] {r,restrict,p,privilege}

restrict or privilege host Note: New configurations takes effect immediately. Note: privileged host - host has all supported privileges.

restricted host - host is not allowed to modify global per port/parameters or access other hosts parametersis.

show this help message and exit
show program's version number and exit

Device to work with.
When TRUE, the host does not have an RSHIM function to access the embedded CPU registers mlxconfig_name: HOST_DISABLE_RSHIM
When TRUE, the host will not be allowed to own the Tracer mlxconfig_name: HOST_DISABLE_TRACER_OWNER
When TRUE, the host will not be allowed to read Physical port counters mlxconfig_name: HOST_DISABLE_PORT_COUNTER
When TRUE, the host will not be allowed to be Port Owner mlxconfig_name: HOST_DISABLE_PORT_OWNER

Set host 1 (ARM) privileged, host 0 (x86_64) restricted.
privilege: Set host 1 (ARM) privileged, host 0 (x86_64) privileged
(back to default).


March 2020 mstflint