mstconfig - set or query non-volatile configurable options for Mellanox HCAs

mstconfig [Options] <Commands> [Parameters]
Allows the user to change some of the device configurations without having to create and burn a new firmware.
Perform operation for a specified MST device.
Use a specific database file.
raw configuration file.
Display help message.
Display version info.
Show default and current configurations.
Answer yes in prompt.
Show all attributes in the XML template
pem file for private key
keypair uuid

clear the tool semaphore.
display information about all configurations.
query supported configurations.
reset all configurations to their default value.
set configurations to a specific device.
set raw configuration file.(only Connect-IB/Connect-X4/LX.)
backup configurations to a file (only Connect-IB/Connect-X4/LX.). Use set_raw command to restore file.
Generate List of all TLVs. TLVs output file name must be specified. (*)
Generate XML template. TLVs input file name and XML output file name must be specified. (*)
Generate Raw file from XML file. XML input file name and raw output file name must be specified. (*)
Generate XML file from Raw file. raw input file name and XML output file name must be specified. (*)
Generate Bin file from XML file. XML input file name and bin output file name must be specified. (*)
Generate Configuration file from XML file. XML input file name and bin output file name must be specified. (*)
Apply a Configuration file. bin input file name must be specified. (*)
(*) These commands do not require MST device
To show supported configurations by device type, run show_confs command
mstconfig -d 04:00.0 query
mstconfig -d 04:00.0 set SRIOV_EN=1 NUM_OF_VFS=16 WOL_MAGIC_EN_P1=1
mstconfig -d 05:00.0 -f conf_file set_raw
mstconfig -d 04:00.0 reset
Supported devices:
4th Generation devices: ConnectX3, ConnectX3-Pro (FW 2.31.5000 and above). 5th Generation devices: ConnectIB, ConnectX4, ConnectX4-LX, ConnectX5.
Note: query device to view supported configurations by Firmware.


March 2020 mstflint