MPSOLVE(1) User Commands MPSOLVE(1)

MPSolve - A multiprecision polynomial rootfinder

mpsolve [-a alg] [-b] [-c] [-G goal] [-o digits] [-i digits] [-j n] [-t type] [-S set] [-D detect] [-O format] [-l filename] [-x] [-d] [-v] [-r] [infile | -p poly]

Select the algorithm used to solve the polynomial/secular equation:
u: Classic unisolve algorithm (Aberth iterations and dynamic precision)
s: Secular algorithm, using regeneration of increasingly better-conditioned
secular equations with the same roots of the polynomial
Perform Aberth iterations in Jacobi-style instead of Gauss-Seidel
Enable crude approximation mode
Select the goal to reach. Possible values are:
a: Approximate the roots
i: Isolate the roots
c: Count the roots in the search set
Number of guaranteed digits of the roots
Digits of precision of the input coefficients
Number of threads to spawn as workers
Type can be 'f' for floating point or 'd' for DPE
Restrict the search set for the roots set can be one of:
u: upper half-plane { x | Im(x) > 0 }
d: lower half-plane { x | Im(x) < 0 }
l: left half-plane { x | Re(x) < 0 }
r: right half-plane { x | Re(x) > 0 }
i: inside the unit circle: { x | |x| < 1 }
o: outside the unit circle { x | |x| > 1 }
R: real axis { x | Im(x) = 0 }
I: imaginary axis { x | Re(x) = 0 }
Detect properties of the roots:
r: real roots
i: imaginary roots
b: both
Select format for output:
f: full output
b: bare output
c: compact output
v: verbose output
g: gnuplot-ready output
gf: gnuplot-full mode, can be piped to gnuplot and display error bars.
gp: The same as gf but only with points (suitable for high degree polynomials)
For example:
mpsolve -as -Ogf myfile.pol | gnuplot

-l filename Set filename as the output for the log, instead of the tty. Use this option with

-d[domains] to activate the desired debug domains.
Enable graphic visualization of convergence

-d[domains] Activate debug on selected domains, that can be one of:

t: trace
a: approximation
c: cluster
i: improvement
w: timings
o: input/Output
m: memory management
f: function calls
p: debug stop condition and development of iteration packets
r: regeneration Example: -dfi for function calls and improvement
Solve the polynomial specified on the command line.
For example: mpsolve -p "x^4-6*x^9+6/7*x + 5"
Use a recursive strategy to dispose the initial approximations.
This option is available only for monomial polynomials.
Note: this option is considered experimental.
Print the version and exit

The full documentation for MPSolve is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and MPSolve programs are properly installed at your site, the command

info MPSolve

should give you access to the complete manual.

March 2013 MPSolve 3.2.1