mkvtree - construct index for sequence

mkvtree [options]

The program mkvtree constructs an index for a given set of sequences. These are given as a list of input files. The sequences are referred to as database sequences. They can be over any given alphabet. The alphabet can be the DNA alphabet, or the protein alphabet, or any other alphabet consisting of printable characters. An alphabet is specified by a file storing a symbol mapping. The index consists of several files, the index files. Each such file stores a different table. The user specifies which tables (i.e. which part of the index) is written to a file, using one of eight output options, or a single option specifying that all tables are written to file.

We support the following formats for the input files. They are recognized according to the first non-whitespace symbol in the file.

•multiple FASTA format: If the file begins with the symbol ">", then this file is considered to be a file in multiple FASTA format (i.e. it contains one or more sequences). Each line starting with the symbol ">" contains the description of the sequence following it. Each line not starting with the symbol ">" contains the sequence. Empty lines are allowed and ignored when reading the input.

•multiple EMBL/SWISSPROT format: If the file begins with the string "ID", then this file is considered to be a file in multiple EMBL format (i.e. containing one or more sequences, each in EMBL format). The information contained in the "ID" and "DE" lines is taken as the description of the corresponding sequence. The EMBL format is identical to the SWISSPROT format (w.r.t. the information we need to extract from such entries). So one can also use files in multiple SWISSPROT format as input.

•multiple GENBANK format: If the file begins with the string "LOCUS", then this file is considered to be a file in multiple GENBANK format (i.e. containing one or more entries in GENBANK format). The information contained in the "LOCUS" and the "DEFINITION" lines is taken as the description of the corresponding sequence.

•plain format: If the file does not begin with the symbol ">" or the strings "ID" or "LOCUS", then the file is taken verbatim. That is, the entire file is considered to be the input sequence (whitespaces are not ignored).

There is no special option necessary to tell the program the sequence format. It automatically detects the appropriate format, according to the rules given above. If none of the above rules apply, then the program cannot recognize the input format and exits with error code 1. In such a case please check you input files for if they are conform with the input formats above. Another good solution is to use a more versatile sequence format transformation programs (e.g. readseq) to first generate multiple FASTA files and then feed this into mkvtree.

Today many files containing sequence files are provided compressed by the program gzip. To simplify the use of these files, mkvtree also accepts gzipped input files. These files must have the ending ".gz". The gzipped formatted files are gunzipped internally and then processed as any other file.

-db <file>

Specify database files (mandatory).

-smap <file>

Specify file containing a symbol mapping. This describes the grouping of symbols. It is possible to set the environment variable MKVTREESMAPDIR to the path where these files can be found.


Input is DNA sequence.


Input is Protein sequence.

-indexname <string>

Specify name for index to be generated.

-pl <length>

Specify prefix length for bucket sort. Recommendation: use without argument; then a reasonable prefix length is automatically determined.


Output transformed input sequences (tistab) to file.


Output original input sequences (oistab) to file.


Output suffix array (suftab) to file.


Output reduced inverse suffix array (sti1tab) to file.


Output Burrows-Wheeler Transformation (bwttab) to file.


Output bucket boundaries (bcktab) to file.


Output skip values (skptab) to file.


Output longest common prefix lengths (lcptab) to file.


Output all index tables to files.

-maxdepth <len>

Restrict the sorting to prefixes of the given length.


Verbose mode


Show the version of the Vmatch package.


Show help.

If an error occurs, the program exits with error code 1. Otherwise, the exit code is 0.
